
xiū bǎn
  • retouching;colour-separation drafting;print finishing
修版[xiū bǎn]
  1. 修版–使用诸如喷枪之类的工具对打印相片进行修改。

    RETOUCHING – the alteration of a printed photograph using tools such as an airbrush .

  2. 通过对掩模缺陷和激光特点的分析,提出用激光气化法修整掩模缺陷中多余铬缺陷的技术,对LMT型激光修版机进行了改进。

    Through analysis on mask defect and characteristic of laser , a method of laser gasification repairing superabundance chrome in mask is proposed . Based on the principle of the laser gasification and characteristic of LMT laser repair system , the LMT laser repair system is improved .

  3. 目前可修版的最小指条宽度和间隔均约为6μm。

    Both the minimum finger width and the gap between the fingers are approximately 6m .

  4. 声表面波器件中消除指条简短路现象的修版方法

    A Practical Method for Modifying the Plate for the Elimination of Short-Circuit Appearing Between Fingers in SAW Devices