
  • 网络Warehouse management;commissionaire;Warehouse Operator
  1. 大多数库管都设法周五晚上休班。

    Most of stock clerks try to get Friday night off .

  2. 库管员应经素质培训合格,持证上岗。

    Warehouse keeper shall be approved by the quality of training qualified , certified .

  3. 结婚那会儿,我正在西南超级食品公司做库管。

    When we married , I worked as a stock clerk at Southwest Super Food .

  4. 验收结束,库管人员记入《库存物品台帐》。

    The end of the warehouse personnel and staff acceptance , credited to " inventory account " .

  5. 具有化工行业库管、采购或物流相关知识从优。

    This position requires a high knowledge of warehouse management principles , purchasing and logistic practices within the chemical industry .

  6. 他是一个经验丰富、注重结果的库管员。我相信他会成为你公司的栋梁之才。

    He has developed into a resourceful and result-oriented store keeper who , I believe , will be a good asset to your company .

  7. 由于库管人员对库存信息不清楚,导致了库管人员随机性地采购刀具,最后就造成了严重的库存积压和资金浪费。

    As storage administrators are unclear of storage information , which results in purchasing cutting tools random and at last serious overstock and fund waste .

  8. 库管人员核对其名称、数量、规格、型号等原始状态是否与采购计划、质量证明文件和包装要求相符。

    Warehouse staff to check the name , quantity , specifications , models , the original state whether the purchase plan , quality documents and packaging requirements .

  9. 从材料的选购、加工、包装、运输等方面,层层把好关,最后到工地经质检员和库管员验收入库。

    From material choose and buy , producing , packing , transportation , etc , should be watched well , finally go into warehouse after inspectors and warehouse keeper check .

  10. 该系统针对包括中国在内的多国零配件生产商、供应商、进口商等不同角色用户的应用特点,集成了订货、销售、库存管理、账目管理以及系统管理等多项库管功能。

    Aimed at the application character of the manufacturers , suppliers and importers of spare parts in China and other foreign countries , The system has many stock control functions such as order , sale , stock management , account management and the system management .

  11. 尾矿库排水管纵向强度浅析

    Analysis of longitudinal strength of drainage pipeline in tailing dam

  12. 地下汽车库无风管诱导型通风系统

    Derivational ventilation system without wind pipe in underground garage

  13. 法比安仍然是源代码库干管的提交者,并保证代码的质量。

    Fabien is still the main committer in the trunk of the source code repository , and guarantees the quality of the code .

  14. 论文确定了故障数据采集过程中MIB库的被管对象以及轮询方式的结构,进而指出轮询步长会随着被管对象数目的增加而增加,随着观测阶段的延长而减少。

    We also determine the managed objects in the MIB as well as the polling structure , then point out the polling step increases along with the number of the managed objects increases and the polling step lengthens along with the observation stage reduces . 3 .

  15. 对带低温切换阀的小孔气库型脉冲管的等熵膨胀效率的初步实验结果表明,其等熵效率可达40%以上,显示了一定的应用前景。

    In the preliminary experiments the adiabatic expansion efficiency of orifice pulse tube with low temperature switching valve can be higher than 40 % . These results show the application prospects of the machine .

  16. 文章较系统地介绍了进行传感器动态特性虚拟实验所必需的技术基础,构建了传感器动态特性客户端桌面虚拟实验系统的基本体系:建立了初步的传感器数学模型库和激波管虚拟实验平台。

    The paper introduces the technical basis of the researching for sensor 's dynamic performance and constructs the essential framework of the desktop virtual system : Primary database of sensor 's mathematics models and Shock tube virtual testing system is founded .

  17. 浅成低温热液金矿床使用常温气库的低温热管设计与实验

    Epithermal gold deposit The design and experiment of a cryogenic heat pipe with a reservoir in room temperature

  18. 浅谈低温液态罐体在抽空氦检漏中的注意事项使用常温气库的低温热管设计与实验

    Discuss Matters of Vacuumizing Helium for Leakage Test on Cryogenic Liquefied Tanker The design and experiment of a cryogenic heat pipe with a reservoir in room temperature

  19. 低温稳定性是衡量涂料在低温使用时的抗冻能力。使用常温气库的低温热管设计与实验

    Microtherm stability is the ability fighting aspic when measuring coating to be used in microtherm . The design and experiment of a cryogenic heat pipe with a reservoir in room temperature

  20. 从分析锅炉四管爆漏的特点出发,提出了基于知识库的锅炉四管爆漏预报专家系统,给出了系统总体结构模型和面向对象模型。

    Expert system of boiler " four tube " crack prediction based on knowledge base is posed according to the analysis of characteristic of " four tube " crack . General structure of system and object oriented model are discussed in the paper .

  21. 最终得到了如下结论:在光明轻烃总库收烃汇管与外输汇管间加2条跨线,可以实现轻烃长期越库运行。

    Obtained the following conclusion finally : In the bright light hydrocarbon main storehouse receives the hydrocarbon to collect the tube to lose with outside collects between the tube to add 2 cross lines , may realize the light hydrocarbon long-term Vietnam storehouse movement .