
  • 网络Phase voltage
  1. 利用多重信号分类(MUSIC)对故障相电压信号进行功率谱估计,提出基于故障相电压功率谱的单相自适应重合闸新判据。

    Multiple Signal Classification ( MUSIC ) is used to estimate the power spectrum of fault phase voltage , and the new criterion of single phase adaptive reclosure based on power spectrum is proposed .

  2. 总结典型基于时域冲量等面积原理的PWM方式,明确提出相电压PWM和线电压PWM的思想。在此基础上,得到一种优化线电压PWM方式。

    At first , typical PWM modes based on pulse area equal principle are summarized , PWM modes based on phase voltage and line voltage are definitely proposed , and then an optimized PWM mode based on line voltage is concluded .

  3. GIS三相同壳母线快速暂态相电压测量中的主导电场耦合系数分析

    Analysis of dominant electric coupling coefficients on VFT phase voltage measurement in three-phase enclosed GIS

  4. 该方法通过PI闭环控制可以纠正锁相环检测到的A相电压的相位,使其趋于A相基波正序电压的相位。

    The method produced can rectify the phase A voltage detected by PLL through PI closed loop control .

  5. 五相电压源逆变器SVPWM优化算法

    Optimal SVPWM algorithm for five-phase VSI

  6. 并对开关状态组合的消谐波PWM方法和锐角朝向组合优化PWM方法下的相电压和线电压进行仿真和频谱分析比较。

    The waveform and harmonic of phase voltage and line voltage in switching state combination PWM method and new PWM method are compared and analyzed through simulation .

  7. 给出该变频器的系统结构原理电路,以及空间矢量调制技术的DSP实现原理,分析了其相电压波形并得到了实验验证。

    The schematic circuit of the inverter and the principle of SVM achieved with DSP are given , and the phase voltage under SVM is analyzed and verified by the tests .

  8. 本文以BPA中国版暂态稳定程序为基础,提出了一种实用的不对称换相电压下直流输电系统仿真数学模型。

    In this paper an effective mathematical model for HVDC transmission system digital simulation under unbalanced commutation voltage is developed .

  9. 在空间电压矢量形成PWM波的基础上,通过两个零矢量作用时间的不同分配及调节各矢量作用顺序,形成了不同形式的相电压波形。

    Based on the method of SVPWM , various forms of phase voltage waveforms are generated by adjusting the duty time of the two zero vectors and the duty order of every vector .

  10. 因此,将MUSIC应用于故障相电压信号的功率谱估计以检测其恢复电压的组成,利用谱的区别判断故障类型。

    Therefore , MUSIC is used to estimate the power spectrum of recovery voltage in fault phase , in order to detect the composition of the recovery voltage . Then the fault type can be distinguished by the difference of power spectrums .

  11. 对直流系统开发了计及换相电压不对称的QSS换流器模型。

    The QSS converter model in account of unsymmetric commutating voltages is developed for DC system .

  12. 该方法通过测量某相电压,由该相电压的导数构造三相电压,进行d-q变换提取特征量;

    Dummy three-phase voltages are gained by the derivative of any phase voltage , which is the improved d-q transform without delay .

  13. GIS三相同壳母线VFT相电压测量的主要问题在于,每个电容传感器同时受三相电压的电场耦合。

    The main problem in measuring VFT overvoltages on three phase enclosed GIS is that each capacitance sensor is coupled with the electric field of three phase voltages at the same time .

  14. 采用SVPWM方式有效地扩展了逆变器输出基波相电压的线性范围,是采用SPWM的1.15倍,有效提高了电源电压利用率。

    Used SVPWM way effectively expands the inverter output base wave phase voltage of linear range , is 1.15 times of the SPWM , effectively improve the utilization rate of power supply voltage .

  15. 在中压配电网中,当系统对地电压出现不对称且某些相电压升高时,PT铁芯出现饱和,其励磁电感减小,当与系统对地电容达到匹配时发生谐振。

    In medium voltage network , when phase to ground voltage appears asymmetry and some phase voltage rises , the iron core of PT becomes saturated , its excitation inductance decreases , when to match the capacitance of the system , ferroresonance occurs .

  16. 为降低PWM整流器的开关频率,本文在整流器的改进周期平均模型基础上,在相电压控制信号中叠加三次方波信号,使得整流器中的开关管有1/3时间不动作。

    To reduce the switching losses of IGBTs in PWM rectifier , a third order square wave is added to the phase voltage control signal on the basis of the Improved Period Average Model . This new control algorithm leads to no switching in about 1 / 3 cycle .

  17. 主要完成了PWM控制、ADC顺序采样模式、信号捕获单元和I/O控制等环节的设计;此外还设计了电流检测电路、电机驱动电路、相电压检测电路、低通滤波电路以及电源电路等。

    The essay mainly accomplished the design of PWM control , DC sequential sampling model , signal acquisition unit and I / O control ; furthermore designed current detection circuit , motor driving circuit , voltage detection circuit , low-pass filter circuit and power supply circuit , etc.

  18. 作为一种新型电能质量控制装置,动态电压恢复器(DVR)可在几毫秒内动作,对消除电压波动和闪变,解决各相电压的不对称和短时供电中断等故障,具有无可比拟的优势。

    As a new power quality control device , DVR can move in a few milliseconds . DVR has an unparalleled advantage in the elimination of voltage fluctuation and flicker , and solving the phase voltage asymmetry and short-term power interruption .

  19. 在理论分析的基础上,证明每相电压正、负半周各60°的不开关扇区对称分布于电流峰值两侧的SVPWM优化方法是一种较为理想的控制策略。

    Then , on the base of theoretic analysis , the thesis proves that the best method of optimized SVPWM is an ideal control strategy , of which the none-switching sectors in each half period , distributes on both sides of the current peak value symmetrically .

  20. 1000kV特高压交流输电线路与其他电压等级的输电线路一样,长距离输电也需要平衡各相电压、电流,进行导线换位。

    000 kV EHV AC transmission lines needs to balance all phase voltage and current and carry out the conductor transposition for long distance transmission like other transmission lines at different voltages .

  21. 利用检相电压的数字显示测频

    Frequency measurement by the digital display of the phase detected voltage

  22. 整流变压器接线组别及核相电压的确认

    Confirmation of Connection Group of Rectifying Transformer and Phase Voltage Testing

  23. 可限制对地电压到相电压;

    Voltages to ground are limited to the phase voltage .

  24. 不对称换相电压下交直流混合系统暂态稳定数字仿真研究

    The Transient Stability Simulation of AC-DC Hybrid Power System under Unbalanced Commutation Voltage

  25. 应用于四相电压调整模块的阵列式集成磁件

    Array Integrated Magnetics Applied to 4-Phase Voltage Regulator Module

  26. 五电平相电压的中压变频器的研究

    Research on Five - Level Medium - Voltage Inverter

  27. 谐波励磁电流形成的磁场在电枢绕组中感应谐波电势,发电机相电压波形产生畸变。

    It produces a magnetomotive force which induces harmonic voltage in the armature windings .

  28. 不对称三相同壳母线快速瞬变过程相电压的测量方法

    Phase Voltage Measurement on Very Fast Transients in Non-Symmetrical Three-Phase Enclosed Gas Insulated Substation

  29. 程序中考虑了不对称换相电压对直流系统暂态模拟的影响。

    The influence of unsymmetric commutating voltages to transient modelling of DC system is considered .

  30. 四相电压调整模块中平面型可消除直流偏磁集成磁件研究

    Research on Planar Integrated Magnetics Whose DC-bias Can be Eliminated in 4 Phase Interleaving VRM