
xiāng huì
  • meet;tryst
相会 [xiāng huì]
  • (1) [meet]∶相见;会面

  • 他们是在公园门口相会的

  • (2) [tryst]∶指情人在特定地点或时间见面的约会

  • 年轻妇女们老在这里和她们的情人相会

相会[xiāng huì]
  1. 他们在俱乐部相会是为了联谊和寻求建议。

    They meet at the club for companionship and advice .

  2. 有缘千里能相会,无缘对面不相逢。

    If there is a bond between them , the two will meet across a thousand li ; without a bond , they will not meet though face to face .

  3. 有时候,他会在深夜里偷偷溜出家与我相会。

    Sometimes he would sneak out of his house late at night to be with me

  4. 我们偶然相会。

    We met together by accident .

  5. 期待着在西安再一次和你相会。

    I 'm looking forward to meeting you again in xi'an .

  6. 战争使吉姆和玛丽相会了。

    Jim and Mary were flung together by the war .

  7. 亲爱的朋友们,晚上好!ABO又在这里和大家相会。

    Dear friends , good evening ! Everyone here and ABO group , glad .

  8. 六月份立法者休假之后,州长MarkSanford秘密前往阿根廷与情妇相会。

    Lawmakers adjourned back in June that was just before Governor Mark Sanford secretly went to Argentina to be with his mistress .

  9. 在烧结温度高于1550℃时,烧结体内液相会分为两相,一为富Si液相,包括Ce、N、Si、O等元素,一为富Mg液相。

    When temperature was above 1550 , the liquid phase in sintering body would separated into two phases , one was rich-Si liquid phase , which consisted of Ce , N , Si , O etc , another was rich-Mg liquid phase .

  10. 英国作家奥尔德斯•赫胥黎(AldousHuxley)曾说:“你会知道真相,而真相会让你疯了。”

    Aldous Huxley said : " You shall know the truth , and the truth shall make you mad . "

  11. 英国作家奥尔德斯•赫胥黎(AldousHuxley)曾说:你会知道真相,而真相会让你疯了。

    You can 't win Aldous Huxley said : You shall know the truth , and the truth shall make you mad .

  12. 然而研究发现,TiO2与H2O2共存并不能提高臭氧化降解乙酸的效率,表明含钛Lewisacids中钛的不同物相会对该体系产生重要的影响。

    However , it was found that the coexistence of TiO2 and H2O2 could not improve the efficiency of ozonation of acetic acid , indicating that different titanium phases of Lewis acids containing titanium might play an important role in this system .

  13. 与对照组相比,OOC组力排相肛直角增大,静息相及力排相会阴异常下降,力排相Douglas陷凹加深;

    Compared with controls , OOC patients had a significantly large anorectal angle during defecation , abnormal descending of perineum at rest and defecation , and a deep pouch of Douglas during defecation .

  14. 俄罗斯媒体率先报道了此次相会,两颗卫星被官方称为科学实验卫星,即“实践”系列SJ-06F和SJ-12。

    The rendezvous , first reported by Russian media , occurred between two Chinese " Shi Jian "(" Practice ") spacecraft , SJ-06F and SJ-12 , that are officially designated as science satellites .

  15. 我和夫人在这里相会,只是个巧合。

    It was just a coincidence , my meeting Madame here .

  16. 相会团圆暂无缘,思念惦记梦无限。

    Meet reunited temporarily out , miss worrying about dreams unlimited .

  17. 他们秘密相会,使村民们议论纷纷。

    Their secret meetings set the villagers to wag their tongue .

  18. 这母子之间相会的情景真令人感动。

    The meeting between the mother and her son was dramatic .

  19. 我不打扰你和你的情人相会了。

    I wouldn 't wanna get bween you and your lover .

  20. 我们相会于这场战争的伟大战场上。

    We are met on a great battlefield of that war .

  21. 莎士比亚说:“漂泊止于爱人相会。”

    Shakespeare said ," Journeys end in lovers meeting . "

  22. 潜能问题或困难你可能相会在计画。

    The potential problems or difficulties you might encounter in the project .

  23. 当你点击分类中的一相会怎么样呢?

    What happens if I click on an item in the categorization ?

  24. 我们将在上次见面的地方相会。

    We 'll meet at the same place we did last time .

  25. 为梦想,千里行,相会在这里。

    Travel one dream , A thousand miles , Meeting in Beijing .

  26. 他说他曾和勃莱特约定在圣塞瓦斯蒂安相会。

    He said he had a date with Brett at San Sebastian .

  27. 于是宙斯便规定一年之中有四分之一的时候可以让他们相会。

    Therefore , Zeus made them meet every quarter of the year .

  28. 然后她闭上眼睛,去天堂和我的母亲相会了。

    She then closed her eyes and joined my Mom in Heaven .

  29. 那位官员说:“战争使我们相会”。

    We were flung together by the war , said the official .

  30. [04:14.76]这母子之间相会的情景真令人感动。

    The meeting between the mother and her son was dramatic indeed .