
xiāng chuán
  • pass on;according to legend;hand down;tradition has it that
相传 [xiāng chuán]
  • (1) [tradition has it that]∶长期以来流传下来的

  • 相传这事发生在北方

  • (2) [hand down;pass on]∶递相传授

相传[xiāng chuán]
  1. 相传华兹对韵律诗篇颇有微言,甚至曾向父亲抱怨说:韵律诗篇是崇拜最弱的一环!

    Tradition has it that about this time Watts complained to his father that metrical psalms were the worst part of church worship .

  2. 相传很久很久以前,黄河里有一位河神,人们叫他河伯。

    Tradition has it that many , many years ago , there lived on the Yellow River a river god known as He Bo .

  3. 他们会争取讨回世代相传的土地,并要求尊重土著居民的权利和风俗。

    They will campaign for the return of traditional lands and respect for aboriginal rights and customs .

  4. 当海员是他家世代相传的职业。

    Following the sea is the tradition of his family .

  5. 卷发在这家是世代相传的。

    Curly hair runs in the blood .

  6. 这一习俗是从祖辈相传下来的。

    The custom has come down to us from our ancestors .

  7. 这本书世代相传。

    This book was handed down from generation to generation .

  8. 相传,中国的汉字是仓颉发明的。

    It is said that Cang Jie created the Chinese writing system .

  9. 此项产业已经数代相传了。

    This heirloom has been handed for several generations .

  10. 相传这里是当年孔明祭风处。

    According to legend , this is where Kong Ming prayed for wind .

  11. 这块金表父子相传已经传了三代了。

    This gold watch has been carried down from father to son for three generations .

  12. 这些东西世代相传。

    They were passed on from generation to generation .

  13. 意见指出,全面加强新时代少先队工作,对于确保党和人民事业薪火相传、后继有人,具有重大而深远的意义。

    Strengthening the CYP work in the new era is of great and far-reaching significance for preparing young people for the cause of the Party and the people , according to the document .

  14. n相传输线的π、T型等值电路及其应用

    PI-and T - type Equivalent Circuits of n - phase Transmission Lines and Their Applications

  15. 四氢呋喃/水体系中以蒸气相传输法合成高硅FER沸石

    High-silica FER Zeolite Synthesized in Tetrahydrofuran / Water Systems with VPT Method

  16. 相传,腓尼基的黛朵(Dido)女王建立了迦太基城。

    Legend has it that Carthage was founded by Queen Dido of the Phoenicians .

  17. 相传苏格兰有一个叫SawneyBean的残暴食人族,他们杀人成性,在苏格兰西南海岸杀了至少1000号人,大饱口福。

    The legend goes that a sadistic cannibal by the name of Sawney Bean and his clan murdered and feasted on at least 1000 people while hiding out in a cave on a beach on the southwestern coast of Scotland .

  18. 结果表明,在THF/H2O混合蒸气中以蒸气相传输法(VPT)可合成结晶度较高、结构完美且孔道开放的FER沸石。

    The results show that the FER zeolite with high crystallinity , perfect structure and open channels has been synthesized with the method of vapor phase transport ( VPT ) in the mixed vapor of THF / H2O .

  19. 部族的传统由长者承袭相传。

    Tradition is pass on by the elders of the tribe .

  20. 相传某些土著植物有杀虫功效。

    Some indigenous plant products are known to possess nematicidal properties .

  21. 这个农场父子相传已有好几代了。

    This farm has been transferred from father to son for generations .

  22. 多态气固相传热远程实验和网络视频监视

    Experimental Remote Control and Video Monitoring of Gas-Solid Multi-phase Heat Transfer Rule

  23. 它必须突破世代相传,深入肌理的日本风俗习惯。

    It must buck centuries-old , deeply ingrained Japanese customs .

  24. 财产是世代相传的东西。

    Property is something handed on from generation to generation .

  25. 这些技术以往都是父子相传。

    These skills used to be handed down from father to son .

  26. 由于动物难以捕获并且有世代相传的禁止猎杀的传统

    A combination of inaccessibility , and ancient traditions which forbid hunting ,

  27. 一个世代相传的美丽传说。

    Sunbird passes on from generation to generation beautiful fable .

  28. 学习这些自古相传的武术保护自己。

    Learn how to defend yourself with these ancient techniques .

  29. 松江超果寺初建于唐代,相传规模极大。

    Songjiang-fruit early monastery built in the Tang dynasty , very large-scale .

  30. 耶稣十二使徒之一,相传为第一部福音书的作者。

    One of the Twelve Apostles , traditional author of the first Gospel .