
  1. 芬兰地势平坦,很少有山,其最高点,高1328米,在拉普兰(Lapland)的最北面。

    The Finnish landscape is mostly flat with few hills and its highest point , the Haltitunturi at1,328 m , is found in the extreme north of Lapland .

  2. 雁荡山因其屏障般的山峰,洞穴,和瀑布而闻名。

    Yandang Mountain is famous for its screen-like peaks , caves and waterfalls .

  3. 拥有丰厚文化资源的武当山,其文化品牌形象的传播存在较多问题。

    Though Wudang Mountain has rich cultural resources , its brand image communication has many problems .

  4. 埃里伯斯山以其不可抗拒的魅力

    Mount Erebus was an irresistible draw

  5. 泰山作为一个年轻的断块山,其年龄仅30Ma左右。

    Taishan Mountain is a young fault block mountain , being of an age of about 30 Ma .

  6. 作者国王陛下从2013年起开始从事武侠玄幻小说写作,灵剑山是其第三部小说。

    The writer , Guo Wang Bi Xia , started working on martial arts fantasies in 2013 , and this is his third novel .

  7. 抑郁症的发生已具有普遍性,但山于其发病机制的复杂性,导致其具体的发病原因及其机制目前尚未有明确而一致的说法。

    Depression occurs universally , however , due to the complexity of its pathogenesis , its causes and mechanism is not yet clear and still debatable .

  8. 矮塔斜拉桥是介于连续梁桥与斜拉桥之间的一种新型组合体系,山于其良好的经济特性和美学效果,在国内外修建的比较多。

    Extradosed cable-stayed bridge is a new type composite structure between the continuous beam bridge and cable-stayed bridge . Because of its good economic characteristics and aesthetic effect , built more at home and abroad .

  9. 武当山以其优美的自然风光,古老的道教文化,宏大的古建筑群,精湛的武当武术名扬海内外。湛江市珍稀天然樟树群落调查与分析

    Wudang Mountain is famous at home and abroad for its spectacular natural scenery , traditional Taoist culture , and ingenious Wudang Kung fu . The Investigation and Analysis of the Rare Native Cinnamomum camphora Community in Zhanjiang , Guangdong

  10. 目的探讨MODS患者凝血系统的变化及山莨菪碱对其凝血异常的影响。

    Objective To investigate the changes of MODS patients ′ coagulation system and the effect of anisodamine on the MODS patients ′ coagulation abnormalities .

  11. 山不是因其高而有价值。

    The mountain is not valuable because it is high .

  12. 由于白色城堡耸立在高高的山上,其四面环山和湖泊。

    Because white castle towers aloft to go up in high hill , its all around annulus hill and laky .

  13. 这种推出仅一个来月的服务旨在给听众提供与断背山或者由其激发的相关歌曲。

    The service , just over a month old , has provided listeners with songs from and inspired by Brokeback Mountain .

  14. 例如,在一些地方,山茱萸因其在春天盛开的白色或者粉色花朵,成为一种很受欢迎的观赏植物。

    Dogwood trees , for example , are a popular ornamental in some areas because of their white or pink blooms in the spring .

  15. 墓地很有可能在哈勒顿山上或其附近,但是至今都没人知道确切地点。

    The tomb is most likely on or around a Mongolian mountain called Burkhan Khaldun , but to this day its precise location is unknown .

  16. 栗山恺撒在其30岁生日时启动了这个项目,制作出的短片记录了生活的点点滴滴,从世界大事到日常生活琐事不一而足。

    Cesar Kuriyama , who began the project on his thirtieth birthday , has produced a film which records everything from world-changing events to the banalities of everyday life .

  17. 巴特勒看山、填充其肺部,要活着感到高兴,并要他究竟是谁,生活在这片美丽的世界。

    Butler looked at the mountains , filled his lungs , and felt happy to be alive and to be just who he was , living in this beautiful world .

  18. 年,法国冒险家、蜘蛛人阿兰·罗伯特,在天门山进行了其冒险生涯中风险最大的一次挑战,徒手无保护攀爬天门洞百米岩壁成功,上演了一场令人惊叹的“绝壁芭蕾”。

    In2007 , french adventurer spiderman Alan Robert took one of his biggest risky challenge to climb the cliff of the Hole without protection , performed a rock success as an amazing a precipice ballet .

  19. 例如,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校只承认其第一代学生的毕业率"远低于"所有四年内毕业的学生的毕业率,即81%。

    The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill , for instance , admits only that the graduation rate for its first-generation pupils is " much lower " than the percentage of all students who graduate within four years ( 81 percent ) .

  20. 塔里木盆地南缘与西昆仑构造带间呈V型盆山耦合关系,其下方恰好是莫霍面上隆区。

    The V shape coupling relationship between the basin and the range is located between the Tarim basin and the West Kunlun tectonic belt , just above the upwarped area of Moho .

  21. 并使人们在Muqattam山上能看到其全景的方式

    and having it only fully visible from one point on the Muqattam Mountain .

  22. 人革底条绒面绣花女拖鞋阿尔卑斯山的妇女以其刺绣为傲。

    Corduroy embroidered lady 's slippers with PVC sole Alpine women take pride in their embroidery .

  23. 但是活动分子认为这条公路会把武吉布朗山一分为二,破坏其风貌。

    But the road will slice Bukit brown in two and , say enthusiasts , destroy its character .

  24. 阿尔卑斯山的妇女以其刺绣为傲。阿尔培,你可是得把自己搞得整洁一点了。

    Alpine women take pride in their embroidery . You really must spruce up a bit , Albert .

  25. 不过他却选择全罗道荣山江两岸作为其公共工程政策的着力点。

    But he chose the banks of Cholla 's Yeongsan river to launch the public-works project seen as his defining policy .

  26. 认为在区域拉张应力场作用下,汾渭裂谷系为盆山耦合形成,其形成模型为伸展造山,断陷沉盆,后推成台;

    The model is that the mountain , basin , and platform were formed by extension , subsidence , and tectonic push , respectively .

  27. 挪威首相厄纳·索尔伯格本周表示,挪威政府正在考虑一项议案,移动该国边界40米(约合130英尺)--从而在2017年的时候将一座山送给芬兰当做其独立100周年的礼物。

    Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg said this week her government was considering a proposal to move the country 's border 40 meters ( about 130 feet ) -- gifting Finland a mountain for its 100 years of independence in 2017 .

  28. 尽管长子县在太行山与太岳山之间,但是其交通便利,利于响铜乐器与外界的贸易交流。

    Although with its location between Taihang Mountain and Taiyue Mountain , Zhangzi has quite convenient transportation , which ensures the trade exchanges between brass musical instruments and the outside world .