
shān gāo lù yuǎn
  • The distance is far and the mountain is high;with distance afar and mountains high
山高路远[shān gāo lù yuǎn]
  1. 暴饮暴食不仅会导致腰围暴涨,还会让你觉得山高路远。

    Eating too much doesn 't just make your waistline expand , it also makes distances seem bigger .

  2. 该地区地形复杂多变,有高原、山原、草原和高山峡谷等多种地貌,以高山峡谷为主,旅游资源丰富多彩,但山高路远,经济落后。

    The tourist resources here are so bountiful and diversified , but it is remote area and the economy is lagging behind .