
suì xiū
  • annual repair
岁修 [suì xiū]
  • [annual repair] 指每年有计划地对各种建筑工程进行的维修和养护工作

岁修[suì xiū]
  1. 公用岸段海塘的岁修和养护,由区(县)水利局组织实施。

    The annual repairs and maintenance of public sections shall be organized and implemented by district ( county ) water conservancy bureaus .

  2. 海塘的建设、岁修和养护实行统一管理与分级负责相结合的原则。

    Combining unified administration with graded responsibilities by organs of different levels shall be the principle adopted for the construction , annual repairs and maintenance of seawalls .

  3. 按照建设、岁修和养护责任,海塘分为公用岸段海塘和专用岸段海塘。

    Seawalls shall be classified into public sections and sections for exclusive use , on the basis of the responsibility for their construction , annual repairs and maintenance .

  4. 岁修工程是渠道畅通的保障,清王朝对水利极为重视,投入了大量的人力、物力和财力,完善了岁修制度。

    Qing Dynasty paid more attention to irrigation works , investing a lot of labor power , material resources and financial resources in irrigation works , and the system of overhauling the channel annually was perfected .