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  1. 你真笨!这三岁小孩都办得到。

    You 're so lame ! Even a kid can make it !

  2. 我是在七岁的时候办的。

    I had mine when I was seven .

  3. 温峰说,他很难想象失去父母和7岁的儿子怎么办。

    Wen said he could not imagine losing his parents and seven-year-old son .

  4. 雪莉:你一岁的孩子怎么办?

    Shirley : How about your one-year-old baby ?

  5. 我记得那时我坐在办公室给身在牧场的他打电话我对自己说虽然他才十岁但就这么办吧!

    I remember , sitting in my office , before I called him on the ranch , and I said to myself , he is only ten , but let 's do this !

  6. 我!一个孤苦伶仃的穷寡妇,什么事情都干不了,万念俱灰,叫我对这样年龄的一个姑娘,一个十五岁的姑娘怎么办呢?

    Me ! A poor , helpless , forlorn widow , unfit for anything , my spirits quite broke down , what could I do with a girl at her time of life , a girl of fifteen !