
  1. 直至公元1004年,北宋真宗与辽国在澶州定下了停战和议,约定真宗称辽萧太后为母,宋辽为兄弟之邦,北宋每年向辽交纳“岁币”和丝绸,双方互不侵犯。

    Till to the year of 1004 , a peace pact was concluded in Chanzhou , under which the Liao obtained a bountiful annual gift of silver and silk from the Northern Song , while Emperor Zhenzong had to admit Empress Dowager Xiao of the Liao aunt and take Shengzong of Liao as his brother .

  2. 此后,辽国连年发兵攻宋,至圣宗二十二年,辽国攻至澶州城下,与宋真宗签定了“澶渊之盟”,迫使宋朝年年向辽国进贡“岁币”,辽宋两国从此相对安定下来。

    From then on , Liao started their attack on the Song every year till the 22nd year of Shengzong , Liao army threatened the Chanzhou city and was offered to sign a compromise with Zhenzong of Song according to which the Song was forced to contribute to Liao silver and goods annually in return of the peace .