
zì xīn
  • turn over a new leaf;make a fresh start
自新 [zì xīn]
  • [turn over a new leaf;make a fresh start] 自此决心以新的面貌出现

  • 改过自新

自新[zì xīn]
  1. 那年轻人本来很懒惰,后来听了祖父一番话,他改过自自新了。

    The young man was lazy at first , but a word from his grandfather made him turn over a new leaf .

  2. 这个公司自新的管理人员接手以来日渐衰败。

    This firm 's gone to the dogs since the new management took over .

  3. 根据《哈佛商业评论》(HarvardBusinessReview)的数据,自新千年以来,美国信息产业领域失去了75万个工作岗位,降幅仅次于制造业。

    According to the Harvard Business Review , the US has shed 750000 jobs in the information sector since the turn of the millennium - second only to manufacturing in percentage terms .

  4. 该慈善机构也在布里克斯顿(Brixton)监狱(HMP,即HerMajesty'sPrison)、高唐(HighDown)监狱和斯蒂亚尔(Styal)监狱开了餐厅,旨在通过这些项目,培训囚犯并授予他们实用技能,帮助他们改过自新,以降低再犯罪率。

    The charity also has restaurants at HMPs Brixton , High Down and Styal and aims to reduce reoffending through projects that train and give practical skills to prisoners to aid their rehabilitation .

  5. 方法:自新生小鼠内耳分离并培养的VGCs,用吸光性电压敏感染料RH155染色后,多个或成群VGCs被同时成像于16×16记录单元Photodiodearrays(PDA)光学成像系统。

    Methods : Dissociated and cultured mouse vestibular ganglion neurons were stained with an absorption voltage sensitive dye , RH 155 , and were imaged in 16 × 16 elements Photodiode arrays ( PDA ) optical recording system .

  6. Ambio杂志论文的作者们仔细研究了在1980年和1990年分别采自新英桥兰、纽约和宾夕法尼亚20个林地相同地点的土壤表层的样本。

    The authors of the Ambio study examined samples of the upper layers of soil taken from the same sites of20 forest floors in New England .

  7. 一人有限公司自新《公司法》实施后开始合法化。

    The new Company Law gives the one-man company the legality .

  8. 这款产自新奥尔良的苦精有浓郁的茴香味道,它叫什么名字?

    This famous New Orleans bitters has a pronounced anise flavor .

  9. 自新工厂开业以来职工人数已经增加了两倍。

    The workforce has tripled in size since the new factory opened .

  10. 德沃夏克《第九交响曲自新大陆》第四乐章的音乐形象

    The Image of Music in the Fourth Movement of Dvorak 's Ninth Symphony

  11. 我们用的电来自新的发电站。

    Our electricity comes from a new generating station .

  12. 自新中国成立后的六十多年里,我国一共进行了八次国家基础教育课程改革。

    So far , our country atotal of eight national basic education course reform .

  13. 交响曲第7、8号,第9号自新大陆

    Symphonies Nos. 7 , 8 and 9 , " From the New World "

  14. 不要给傻瓜自新的机会。

    Never give a sucker an ever break .

  15. 中国成为自新冠病毒疫情爆发以来第一个实现增长的主要经济体。

    China has become the first major economy to grow since the coronavirus pandemic began .

  16. 这一趋势自新公共管理运动以来越来越明显。

    This trend turns out more and more obvious since the new public management movement .

  17. 自新中国成立以来,我国外交政策始终都坚持独立自主的原则。

    China has always been upholding the principle of independence since the foundation of new China .

  18. 给他一个自新机会。

    Give him a bueak .

  19. 在树中的任何节点上,可以用来自新设备的树覆盖文件系统。

    At any node in the tree , a filesystem could be overlaid from a new device .

  20. 自新中国成立以来,中国林业产业发展可分为三大阶段。

    Since 1949 , the development of China 's forest industry can be divided into three periods .

  21. 自新中国成立以来,教育给社会的发展带来了巨大的推动作用。

    Since the founding of New China , to a great extent education promotes the social development .

  22. 虽然我国的农村社会保障制度自新中国成立后虽有较大的发展,但并不如人意。

    In our country , rural social security system has been developed , but it is not enough .

  23. 华北亚板块内部北北东向的次级块体自新第三纪以来逆时针转动了1.3°~37°。

    Blocks in North China have anticlockwise rotated about 1.3 ° - 3.7 ° since the Late Tertiary .

  24. 浙江农民企业家的崛起,是浙江自新中国成立60年变化发展的一个最有代表性的缩影。

    The rise of the farmer entrepreneurs is the most representative epitome during the60 years development in Zhejiang .

  25. 重工业自新中国成立后在经济生活中一直扮演着十分重要的角色。

    Heavy industry in the founding of China has been playing an important role in the economic life .

  26. 青少年罪犯自新服务

    Service for young offenders

  27. 自新中国成立以来,检察制度在我国有了长足的发展。

    Great progress has been made in the development of prosecution since people ' republic of China in 1949 .

  28. 自新世纪以来,我国的社会音乐教师队伍进入到了一个新的历史发展阶段。

    In the new century , our country 's social music teachers into a new historical stage of development .

  29. 对一切反革命分子,都应当给以生活出路,使他们有自新的机会。

    All counter-revolutionaries should be given a chance to earn a living , so that the can start anew .

  30. 当八路军进驻河间后,这帮人表示愿意悔改自新,所以政府对他们进行了宽大处理。

    When the8th Route Army entered the town , these men professed repentance and the government did not punish them .