
  • 网络spontaneous fission
  1. 胚和胚乳可能分别起源于卵状反足细胞和次生核未受精的自发分裂。

    The embryo and the endosperm maybe respectively originate from the egg-like antipodal cell , and secondary nucleus autonomously divided without pollination .

  2. 卵细胞自发分裂形成2细胞原胚,4细胞原胚到多细胞球型原胚,进一步发育为无融合生殖胚。

    Ootid divided spontaneously into 2 and 4 cell proembryo and multicell globular proembryo . In the end it developed into apomixis embryo .

  3. 哺乳动物有腔卵泡中的卵母细胞在体外会自发恢复减数分裂,适当延迟减数分裂的自发恢复,能促进核与胞质成熟的同步化,有利于后续胚胎的发育。

    The oocytes of antral follicles can spontaneously resume meiosis in vitro in mammalian , properly delay the process of spontaneous meiotic maturation in vitro may promote the homochronous maturation of nucleus and ooplasm and benefit the following embryo 's development .