
  • 网络ordering cost;order cost
  1. 算例结果表明:当附加订购成本占订购成本的比例较大时,集聚效应明显,最优的订购策略趋于联合订购;

    The results show that aggregating effect increases with a larger proportion of additional ordering cost to ordering cost , and the joint ordering policy approaches to the optimal one ;

  2. 当订购成本增大时,订购次数减少,供应链中的循环库存增加;

    The number of ordering reduces and cycle inventory in supply chain increases as the ordering cost increases .

  3. 本文给出了几种批量方法,分析其对MRP计算影响,分析订购成本问题,给企业决策者提供有用的数据依据。

    This paper gives the method of batch quantity rule and analyzes the influence to MRP calculation and the order cost problem , provides the useful data with the enterprise decision maker .

  4. 订购成本难以控制。

    Booking cost is hard to control .

  5. 这个选中的值随后将更新订购单中的成本中心字段。

    This selected value would then update the cost center field in your purchase order .

  6. 作为奖励,卖方需将客户订购价与代理成本价的差价。按按佣金协议上的规定汇至代理商指定的银行账户。

    In reward Seller is obliged to transfer difference between cost of product by Client price-list and cost of product by Agent price list as an Agent comission to a bank account specified by Agent .

  7. 本文针对变质产品供应链,建立了多产品的库存模型,分析了基于五种不同订购策略下总成本函数的性质,提出了多种变质商吕的近似最优订购策略。

    This paper establishes an inventory model of multi-product in a deteriorating items supply chain . By analyzing the properties of the total cost functions under five different ordering policies , it proposes an approximate optimal ordering policy of multiple productions .

  8. 如何设置多种产品的订购数量,不但能减少库存总量,而且能使总的订购成本达到最小,这便成为管理者必须回答的问题。

    A scenario to be addressed by each manager is that how to design multi-item ordering quantity in order to not only reduce the inventory lever but also minimize the total order cost .