
  • 网络order cycle;Order cycle time;Rolt
  1. 在一定类型的存贮系统中,订购周期和需求都可能是服从某种分布的随机变量,而经典的EOQ模型通常忽略这些因素。

    For certain types of inventory , the ordering cycle and demand may be random variants , which satisfy certain types distribution . The classical EOQ model usually neglects the fact .

  2. 在每个订购周期内,产品分多批次配送至分销商处,模型确定了每次配送的产品数量以及每个生产周期内的配送次数,从而使供应链的总成本最小。

    In each ordering cycle , the product is delivered to the distributor by multi-batch . The model gives out the delivery quantity of each time and the delivery times in each production cycle so as to minimize the total costs of supply chain .