
  1. 最后实现订单管理功能。

    The final realization of order management functions .

  2. 在订单管理功能中可以进行添加订单信息、保存订单信息以及上传订单信息等三个子功能的操作。

    In order management functionality can add order information , save the operation of the three sub-functions of the order information and upload order information .

  3. 同时,结合REST架构理论和mashup、RSS技术,将销售管理系统中的订单管理业务功能进行了资源的重新设计和实现,从提高系统信息开放程度及访问渠道方面进行了探索性尝试。

    Meanwhile , the combination of REST architecture theory and mashup , RSS technology , sales management system functions of order management business resources re-design and implementation of system information from the increase openness and access channels to the exploratory attempt .

  4. 针对消费者用户,系统提供注册登录、个人收藏、个人信息管理、酒店预订以及点餐、订单管理及评论等功能。

    For consumer users , the system offers register and login , personal collection , personal information management , hotel reservations and ordering , order management and reviews and so on .

  5. 数据储存由SqlServer数据库完成,分为用户信息、产品信息、管理员信息、订单信息、合同信息五个模块,主要实现了用户信息管理、产品信息管理、订单管理等功能。

    Data store uses SQL Server , It can be divided to five modules : user information , product information , custodian information , order information , contract information .