
  • 网络logistics chain;logistic chain
  1. 我国蔬菜物流链的现状及其优化措施

    Present Situation and Optimal Measures of Vegetable Logistics Chain in China

  2. 进口美国棉花物流链运作方案的改善

    Improvement of Logistics Chain Operation Solution for Import Us Cotton

  3. 随着3G技术及信息化的普及,港口发展进入了新的时代,构建“港口虚拟物流链”成为发展的必然。

    With the development of3G , it is necessary to establish the port 's virtual logistics'chain .

  4. 基于Texaco煤气化工艺流程的逻辑链,应用模糊故障树分析方法,对煤气化装置的可靠性进行研究,建立煤气化系统的物流链以及运行失常状态故障树模型。

    Based on logistic chain of Texaco coal gasification process , the reliability of coal gasification units was studied by means of fuzzy fault tree method . Fault tree model was proposed to take into account interflow chain of products and unstable operation status for coal gasification system .

  5. 物流链企业实施电子商务模式的研究

    Study on Pattern of E - commerce in the Logistic Chain

  6. 信息技术在零售业物流链上的应用

    Application of IT to Logistics of Retail Industry

  7. 物流链中的运输包装优化问题

    Optimization of Transport Package in Logistics Chain

  8. 集成化物流链信息模型的研究

    Study on Integrated Logistics Chain Information Model

  9. 物流链整合战略

    Integration Strategy of Logistics Value Chain

  10. 因此,轮胎式龙门吊作业直接影响着集装箱装载物流链上后续的搬运设备作业。

    Therefore , rubber tired gantry crane operation directly determines the subsequent handling operation on the loading chain .

  11. 本文描述了信息技术在零售业物流链中的主要应用。同时探讨了可能影响企业各种信息技术的采用及采用结果的关键影响因素。

    IT application in logistics of retail industry is studied as well as key factors that affect the IT adoption .

  12. 农产品物流链中的特征信息除了反应农产品的共性之外,还需要突出产品的特殊性。

    Agricultural logistics chain reaction of feature information besides the general character , also need to highlight the special nature .

  13. 港口作为现代交通运输的枢纽,是现代物流链中的重要环节,在发展现代物流业中起到至关重要的作用。

    Port is the hinge of modern transportation , and is of the importance to develop the modern logistics industry .

  14. 机场作为全球动态物流链的重要支点,日益成为促进和加强贸易发展的重要载体。

    As an important pivot in dynamic global logistics chain , airport becomes an increasingly important carrier in promoting and strengthening trade expansion .

  15. 集装箱码头是海运与陆运的连接点,它作为海陆多式联运的枢纽,在国际物流链中扮演着重要角色。

    The container terminal connects ocean shipping and land transportation . As hubs of sea-land multimodal transportation , it plays an important role in the international logistics chain .

  16. 这些可能包括物流链,也就是同产品以及零部件的回收相关的链,当然还有备用零件链。

    These may include the reverse logistics chain , that is , the chain associated with returns of products or components , as well as the spare-parts chain .

  17. 世博会源源不断带来的资金流、信息流、人流和商品流,组合在一起形成了一条辐射国内、连接世界的物流链。

    Expo brings endless cash flow , information flow , people and goods flow , combined together to form a radiation internally , connecting the world 's logistics chain .

  18. 在经济全球化的进程中,港口作为全球物流链的重要节点,具有重要的地位并发挥着日益重要的作用。

    In the process of economic globalization , port as an important node of the global supply chain , has an important position and plays an increasingly important role .

  19. 最后,论文给出了三种现代物流链模式,分析了物流主体选择物流链的行为特征。基于灰色理论,建立了物流链选择模型。

    In the end , this paper presents three modern logistics chain modes , analyses logistics main body behavior character of selecting logistics chain , establishes model of logistics chain selecting .

  20. 现代化的航空港已不再是简单的货物交换场所,而是全球动态物流链上的一个重要环节,日益成为促进和加强贸易发展的重要工具。

    2 , Modern airport is not only a simple goods exchange place but also an important part of global logistics chain and becoming important facility of promoting and strengthening trade development increasingly .

  21. 物流链的选择应充分考虑与物的位移过程有关的各种影响因素,将物流链的选择限定为物流活动中就位移过程而言的物流设施和物流方式的选择以及选择的组合问题。

    Each factor related with material transfer should be considered in logistics chain selecting , the selection should be restricted in the selections or their combinations of equipments and methods in transfer process .

  22. 同时,北良在打造粮食物流链和向产销区拓展延伸港口功能方面开展了大量工作,进行了许多有益探索。

    At the same time , create foodstuff chain and logistics development zone extends to the production and marketing functions of the port area have a lot of work and a lot of useful exploration .

  23. 在分析产品回收处理逆向物流链的基础上,借助于拆卸树考虑产品分拆程度,以度量产品的拆卸成本;

    On the foundation of analyzing the reverse logistics chain of product recovery processing , the disassembling degree should be taken into account recurring to its disassembly tree in order to measure the disassembling cost .

  24. 方法:分析医院药品物流链中医药代表、医师、药房、药库、采购人员等各个主要影响因素对药品物流的影响,并提出对策。

    METHODS : The influencing factors involved in hospital drug flow chain including medicine representatives , physicians , pharmacy , drug storehouse , drug purchasers , etc were analyzed and some countermeasures were put forward .

  25. 本文从物流链的角度,分析了这两次国民经济动员活动的异同,为提高国民经济动员能力提供了新的思路。

    This paper tries to find out the differences between the two operational modes of logistic chain in Mobilization of National Economy and offers a new way of improving the ability of Mobilization of National Economy .

  26. 作为国际运输链与物流链的重要环节,集装箱运输业在现代物流业的发展中起着不可替代的作用,一些发达国家甚至将其作为体现本国物流综合竞争力的重要标志。

    As a important part of international transportation chain and logistics chain , container transport trade plays a crucial role , and further more , some advanced country look it as a important symbol behaved their integrated logistics competition .

  27. 而国际货物的运输90%以上都是通过海运来实现,使得港口成为国际物流链中的一个关键环节,使其在现代物流发展中的地位越来越重要。

    Above 90 percent of the international transport is implemented through the sea , making the port becoming one of the key links in the international logistics chain , and becoming more and more important during the development of modern logistics .

  28. 港口已经成为港口航运供应链中的一个重要环节,不仅是供应链中的关键节点,也是国际物流链中的技术节点,对国际贸易和国际物流的作用越来越重要。

    The port has become port shipping supply chain an important step in , is not only the key nodes of supply chain , also is the international logistics chain technology node , to the international trade and international logistics functions are becoming more and more important .

  29. 但是,随着人们质量意识和环境意识的增强,人们要求供应链不仅应当是物流链、资金链、信息链和知识链,还应当成为生态链。

    With the improvement of the consumer 's quality conscious and environment conscious , the consumer asks that the supply chain should not only be the physical material chain , the fund chain , the information chain and the knowledge chain , but also be the ecological chain .

  30. 根据农产品物流链,确立农产品从生产到销售的信息追溯,实现对农产品物流链的各个环节的跟踪研究是农产品物流系统需要解决的主要问题。

    According to the logistics chain of agricultural products , the establishment of agricultural products from produce to sales information backward , and the realization the logistics chain for agricultural products tracking of all aspects of the logistics system of agricultural products is the main problem to be resolved .