
  1. 其次,抽象出了SDN企业回收逆向物流资源整合所需的七类Agent,并对它们进行了设计。

    Secondly , abstracts seven categories of agent in the integration of SDN enterprise recovery reverse logistics resources , and designs them .

  2. 论企业物流资源整合与流程再造

    On Integration of Commodity Circulation Resources and Flow Reconstruction in Enterprises

  3. 铁路枢纽相关物流资源整合优化问题研究

    Research on Optimization and Integration of Railway Terminal-related Logistics Resource

  4. 基于多目标决策模型的物流资源整合效率研究

    Logistics resources integrating efficiency based on the multi-objective decision model

  5. 物流资源整合相关理论在闽台区域的应用

    Application of the Theories on Integrated Logistics Resource to Fujian and Taiwan Areas

  6. 物流资源整合中的信息系统构建

    Information System Construction During the Logistics Resources Integration

  7. 第三方物流资源整合的纳什均衡分析

    Nash Equilibrium Analysis of Integration of TPL Resources

  8. 中邮物流资源整合对策研究

    Research on Resource Integration of China Post Logistics

  9. 基于电子商务的邮政快递物流资源整合研究

    Research of Service Resources Integration of China Postal Courier & Logistics Which Based on E-Commerce

  10. 浅论物流资源整合

    On Integration of Logistics Resources

  11. 因此,本文提出了长江整车物流资源整合的一种新的策略和新的经营理念&长江整车物流虚拟企业。

    So this thesis puts forward a kind of new competitive strategy and new management theory for the Changjiang River vehicle logistics enterprise aiming at the market opportunity - Changjiang vehicle logistics virtual enterprise .

  12. 国内外的物流资源整合研究基本上都集中在具体的整合内容和方法上,而没有围绕提高物流企业的核心竞争能力而做出系统的论述。

    The domestic and international research of logistics resources integration basically concentrated on concretely integration contents or methods , but did not systematically set forth around increasing the core competitive ability of the logistics enterprise .

  13. 根据是否提高竞争力优势为标准,在物流资源整合转化为能力的过程中,寻求企业竞争力的强化和保护,并提出了相应的整合方式。

    ; It is a standard according to improving the competitiveness advantage , while the integration of the resources of logistics is turned into ability , seek strengthening and protection of enterprise 's competitiveness , has put forward the corresponding merger way .

  14. 然而,物流资源整合优化是储运业向现代物流业转型最直接和最有效的途径和手段的观点已成为业内共识。

    However , the view has already become common understanding inside industry that the integration and optimization of logistics resources is the most directly and most effective way and means of a warehousing and transportation industry making the transition to logistics service industry .

  15. 最后,通过对海南航空公司扬子江快运物流资源整合的案例进行了全面考察和系统分析,介绍了第三方物流企业资源整合在实际中的应用。

    Finally , through investigating in an all-round way to the case of the integration of the resources of Yangtze River fast freight logistics of Hainan Airlines and network analysis , have introduced the application of the integration of the resources of third party 's logistics enterprise in reality .

  16. 最后,借助JACK仿真软件,对SDN企业回收逆向物流资源的整合进行了仿真。

    Lastly , simulates the integration of SDN enterprise recovery reverse logistics resources by using JACK software .

  17. 通过对供应商送货到WP集团公司车辆资源以及WP集团公司到销售商及配套汽车厂的物流资源进行整合,实现运输资源的优化。

    Realize the optimization of transport resources through the supplier delivery to WP group company vehicles resources and WP group company to vendors as well as the supporting automobile factory logistics resources integration .

  18. 企业物流资源的整合是一复杂的系统工程。

    Enterprise logistics resource integrating is one complicated system engineering .

  19. 物流企业资源整合模糊综合评价研究

    Studies on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of resources integration in integrated logistics enterprise

  20. 论现代物流的资源整合

    On the Integration of the Modern Logistics Resources

  21. 企业物流资源的整合是当今物流界的热门话题,企业物流资源整合是一个复杂的系统工程。

    The integration of commodity circulation resources in enterprises has been a hot topic .

  22. 物流企业资源整合方向研究

    Direction Research on Logistics Enterprise Resources Integration

  23. 物流信息资源整合模式探讨

    Discussion on Logistics Information Resources Integration Mode

  24. 现代物流企业资源整合模式分析

    Integrated Resource Models for Modern Logistics Enterprises

  25. 目前,有关物流资源的整合问题已成为物流界较为热门的话题。

    The integration problem on logistics resources is the popular topic in the logistics fields now .

  26. 第二部分对东北经济区粮食物流铁路资源整合的必要性进行了详细分析。

    The second part have analyzed about the necessity that integration railway resources of grain logistics in China Northeast Economic Area .

  27. 希望能通过对物流资源的整合等相关途径实现九江港口与物流企业的整体优化,降低整体的物流成本。

    Hope that through the integration of logistics resources Jiujiang port and other related ways to achieve the overall optimization and logistics , reduce overall logistics costs .

  28. 从分析物流企业资源整合的动因出发,介绍了物流企业的基本类型以及资源组成,并在前人的研究基础上总结出物流企业资源整合的内容及手段。

    Begin with the analysis of its reason , introduces the basic type of logistics enterprises and the form of resource , and summarizes its content and instrument .

  29. 论文还论述了构建基于核心竞争力的物流企业客户资源整合系统(CRIs)的设想。

    In addition , this paper puts forward the construction of customer resource integration system ( CRIS ) based on the core competence in logistics enterprise .

  30. 中小型第三方物流企业的资源整合策略研究

    Study on the Resource Integration Strategy of Small and Medium-sized 3PL Enterprises