
  • 网络physical contact;Physical Touch
  1. 扩散连接界面物理接触行为的动态模型

    Dynamic Model of Interfacial Physical Contact in Diffusion Bonding with Interlayer

  2. 埃博拉病毒通过与受感染患者或动物的物理接触传染。

    People catch Ebola by physical contact with an infected person or animal ;

  3. 该传感器采用非接触式设计,即感应元件与样品没有直接的物理接触。

    The sensing element has been designed without direct contact with samples .

  4. 这些方法大概可以分为三类:电学方法、光学方法和物理接触方法。

    They can broadly divided into three categories : optical , electrical and physically contacting .

  5. 这种传动机构的主动轮与从动轮之间没有物理接触,是通过磁场相互耦合产生的磁力来实现力矩和功率的传递。

    There is no physical contact between driver gear and passive gear of this transmission mechanism .

  6. 研究发现,沙门氏菌感染在鸡舍可能不是通过简单的物理接触。

    The findings show that Salmonella bacteria may not spread around the henhouse by simple physical contact .

  7. 限位开关多数情况下是机械式,并靠控制杆或压杆进行物理接触激发的。

    Limit switches are most often mechanical and are activated by physical contact with either a lever or plunger .

  8. 在排除物理接触面的反射因素后,对该结构样品进行了测试,测试结果和所作的理论分析结果基本一致。

    On this basis , theoretical analysis is made of the reflected optical path of this structure by using Gauss optics theory .

  9. 我跟他的物理接触只有嘴唇,而那是如此真切。

    The only part of me that connected with him physically was my lips but the connection I felt with him was absolute .

  10. 作者进一步证明,消费者的评价可能随引发厌恶的与产品的物理接触的变化而相应改变。

    Furthermore , they show that consumer evaluations may change in response to physical contact with products that elicit even moderate levels of disgust .

  11. 完全外置设计,避免了因设备内置引起的电磁干扰、物理接触不可靠、容易因过热死机等问题。

    Completely external attachment to the PC , without fear of the EMI , the unreliable physical attachment to the PC , and the unpredictable crash of the PC for overheating .

  12. 其优点如下:成形时没有物理接触,可以在成形或装配操作前进行工件的抛光或研磨;

    The advantages of the method are as follows . There is no physical contact during forming process , so the workpiece can be polished or grinded before forming or assembling .

  13. 并采用软开关技术减少了电能为在磁场中传递而进行变换产生的电磁干扰,创造性地解决了与静止供电完全没有物理接触的旋转电路的供电问题。

    The resonant technique is included in order to eliminating the EMI due to power conversion , and the power supply to the rotary circuits is realized by a creative method .

  14. 相对于通过物理接触摩擦来产生制动力的硬制动方式,以电制动为主的软制动不仅控制精确、维修成本低,而且能够达到最大限度地节约能源的目的。

    Compared to the hard-braking which mutual friction generate brake stress through physical contact , the soft braking mainly based on the electric braking not only control accurate and reduce maintenance costs , but also achieve maximum energy savings .

  15. 冲击器的工作过程是通过外力作用,在极短的时间内通过工作部对工作对象进行短暂的物理接触并产生冲击挤压效果,使工作对象发生位移、变形或破坏。

    Impacting is a process which receives an external force and transfers it to the objective structure in order to create an extrusion effect in a very short time . The objective may be moved , deformed even destroyed .

  16. 大多数存储系统都有严重的安全缺陷,因为数据主要是通过操作系统的访问控制机制来进行保护,用户只要绕过操作系统,物理上接触存储设备,就能随意访问这些数据。

    Most storage systems have serious security flaws , because these data were mainly protected through the operating system access control mechanisms . If you bypass the operating system and access the storage devices physically , you can freely access the data .

  17. 演示实验作为学生学习物理过程中接触的第一类实验,能为学生提供观察的可靠素材,提供直观的感性材料,展示规律的真实过程。

    The demonstration experiment is the first type of experiment methods . It can provide the students reliable material , visual emotional material and it can show us the real process of scientific laws .

  18. 材料与外界的换热特性用换热系数来表征,换热系数的大小由材料和外部介质的物理特性和接触状态决定。

    Heat transfer characteristics of the material with the outside are characterized by heat transfer coefficients ( HTC ), and HTC is determined by the physical parameters of the material and external media and the contact condition .

  19. 与条形码技术相比,RFID系统可以被更广泛地使用,因为RFID系统可以通过无线射频(radiofrequency,RF)快速识别多个标签,而不需要物理或可见的接触。

    Compared with barcode technology , RFID system can be used widely , since RFID system can identify lots of tags quickly through radio frequency ( RF ) with neither physical nor visual contact .

  20. 热节是铸件凝固慢的节点或区域,可分为几何热节、物理热节、接触热节和流动热节。

    Hot spot of casting is the place where solidification rate and time are slowly and long .

  21. 本文提出一个简单的数学物理模型模拟吹风接触式冻结装置中的传热过程。

    In tnis paper a simple mathematical model is proposed to simulate the heat transfer processes in blast-contact freezer .

  22. 在陶瓷行业中,传统的运作方式是以直接或间接的物理交换或物理接触来完成业务交易。

    In ceramic industry , traditional business operation have transactions made by physical exchange or face-to-face contact either directly or indirectly .

  23. 结果新乡市存在职业病危害的企业423家,危害因素涉及生产性粉尘、毒物及物理因素等,接触职业危害的职工52155人,占该市职工总人数的46.74%。

    [ Results ] 423 enterprises were found with occupational hazards , the major hazardous factors were productive dust , poison and physical factors ; 52 155 workers ( 46.74 % ) had been exposed to occupational hazards .