
  • 【水】wastewater discharge standard
  1. 本文的目的是对棕化废液进行降解和提铜,使其达到PCB行业废水排放标准并回收其中铜。

    The purpose of the paper is brown wastewater degradation and copper extraction , reaching the PCB industry wastewater discharge standards and recycling the brown wastewater in copper .

  2. 工艺末端的生物活性炭深度处理可以有效地去除好氧出水的COD和色度,使得出水基本接近工业废水排放标准。

    The terminal of this system was the biological activated carbon , it could be removal COD and chroma of the emerge water from contact oxidation pillar effectively , to make the wastewater effluent measure up to the industrial standards basically .

  3. 畜禽养殖行业废水排放标准的研究

    Study of Discharge Standards on Excrement of Livestock and Poultry Farms

  4. 随着焦化废水排放标准的提高,普通生物处理工艺已走到极限,需在生化处理基础上进行物化处理和深度处理。

    The physico-chemical treatment and advanced treatment are required on the basis of biochemical treatment .

  5. 随着国家对废水排放标准不断提高,废水排放前的处理越来越重要。

    With the discharge standards of wastewater enhancing , the pretreatment of wastewater become very important .

  6. 与此同时,国家又陆续颁布或更新了更严格的工业废水排放标准。

    At the same time , the government has issued or renewed more tightening industrial wastewater discharge standard .

  7. 处理后水质达到国家废水排放标准。

    The effluent of this process is quite good to meet the requirement of national wastewater discharge standard .

  8. 其出水再经过好氧处理器处理后,基本可以达到国家三级废水排放标准。

    After its water leakage undergoes good oxygen processor processing again , the waste water can basically achieve the national third-level waste water emission standard .

  9. 目前国内外常用的基于水质标准/废水排放标准的特征化学污染物法,并不能有效控制组份复杂的废水中的有机毒物排放。

    Based on the water quality standards and discharge standards , the chemical specific approach in common use could not effectively control complex discharges containing toxic organics .

  10. 根据运行情况,表明该工艺设计合理,处理后清水无色、无味、透明,达到国家酸性废水排放标准。

    Its operation shows that the process is rational in design and the clear water after treatment is colorless , odorless and limpid , reaching the state standard for acid waste water discharge .

  11. 由于各组实验的出水浓度均达不到国家一级工业废水排放标准,同时考虑反应条件比较苛刻,故而在反应中加入催化剂以降低反应条件的要求并提高效率。

    But every concentration of effluent was lower than emission standards at the first national level and out of the rigorous reaction conditions , catalysts were used into the experiment to relieve the high requirements .

  12. 随着中国环境治理力度的不断加强、新的废水排放标准的出台以及人们对环境质量要求的不断提高,对制药行业高浓度、有毒废水的治理成为环境治理的一大紧迫任务。

    With the enhancement of environmental regulation requirement , issue of new wastewater discharge standard and constant improvement of people 's requirement of the environmental quality , the treatment of pharmacy wastewater become a great urgent task .

  13. 随着节能减排工作的推进,制药企业废水排放标准不断提高,很多以生物处理为主体的制药企业排放废水已不能满足达标排放要求,从而面临可持续发展瓶颈。

    With the promotion of energy-saving emission reduction and the rising discharge standards for pharmaceutical wastewater , the treated wastewater with biological treatments as its main process have already failed to meet the discharge standards , as a result , many pharmaceutical companies faced the bottleneck of sustainable development .

  14. 然后在第二阶段升高残液pH值至7.9浮选萃取锌,可完全除去锌离子,残留废水达到排放标准。

    In the next stage , by raising pH values to 7.9 , which is the best flota-extraction condition for Zn ~ ( 2 + ), Zn ~ ( 2 + ) can completely be removed , and ultimately wastewater purified .

  15. 萃取富集砷后使废水达到排放标准的同时为后续电积回收单质砷提供了高浓度的含砷溶液。

    After enrichment , it will provide high concentration As-containing liquid for the recycle of As in post-electro deposit .

  16. 印染废水的排放标准越来越严格,纺织工业面临的严峻形势是染料对水体的污染问题。

    Since discharge limits are becoming stricter for industry wastewater textile manufactures are searching efficient and economical methods of pollution reduction .

  17. 目前随着国家造纸废水排放新标准的实施,造纸企业不断提高造纸用水循环使用率来解决废水处理和回收利用。

    At present , with the paper of new standards for wastewater discharge in the country was put into effect , in order to solve the wastewater treatment and recycling , paper-making enterprises will improve the paper recycling rate .

  18. 水质监测期内,出水COD值全部达到国家工业废水一级排放标准。

    In the period of water quality monitoring , all of the effluent COD values were lower than the national-level industrial wastewater discharge standards .

  19. 新标准比原标准更加严格,同时增加了氮、磷、AOX、色度等指标。而对于现有废纸制浆与造纸企业,废水排放的新标准将从2009年5月1号开始实施。

    Also increased Nitrogen , Phosphorus , AOX and Chroma indicators etc. And to the old Waste paper pulp and Papermaking Enterprises , the new Discharge standard will carry out from 2009 , May 1 .

  20. 工艺过程产生的废水可以达到排放标准。

    And the waste warter can be discharged to a certainty standars .

  21. ④土地处理系统处理高浓度有机废水能够达到排放标准。

    High concentration organic wastewater treated by land treatment system could reach discharging standards .

  22. 后续进行絮凝处理,可以使该废水达到国家排放标准。

    With the subsequent treatment of coagulation , the effluent could meet the discharge standard of the country .

  23. 最后的含砷溶液加入石灰和铁盐加以处理,废水达到了排放标准。

    The final solution containing arsenic was treated by adding lime and ferric salt , and waste water reached discharge standard .

  24. 工业废水中锑污染物排放标准制定的原则与依据

    The Principles and Basis of Setting Emission Standards for Antimon Pollutant in Industrial Waste Water

  25. 经1年运转表明,处理后的废水达到国家环保排放标准,且成本低廉。

    Through one year 's experience , the treated wastewater reaches the national standard of water releasing of environmental protection and its cost is low .

  26. 加之目前我国仍未对工业废水中锑的排放标准作出相应的规定,水体中的锑污染问题日益严重。

    Coupled with the current our country is still not to make corresponding regulations for the standards of antimony industrial wastewater emission , antimony contamination of water bodies are getting worse .

  27. 试验结果表明:处理后的废水达到了工业废水排放标准,可明显减轻对环境的污染。

    The experimental results showed that treated wastewater had reached the industrial discharge standard , thus the environmental pollution was reduced obviously .

  28. 通过实验研究得到采用酸化后的粉煤灰与高铁酸钾联合处理造纸废水,可使废水达到排放标准。

    Experiment was made to combine coal powder with K2FeO4 to treat paper-making wastewater , with effluent meeting the discharge criteria .

  29. 通过对玉溪市红塔铅型材厂氧化着色废水的处理,处理出水达到国家废水排放标准并可循环回用。

    By treatment of oxidized colored wastewater from Yu Xi Red Tower Aluminium Materials Factory , the effluent from the factory is in line with the National Standards for Effluent discharge , and it can be recycled as well .

  30. 纤维板废水排放量大,浓度高,随着工业废水排放标准越来越严格,对其进行深度处理和回用势在必行。

    The manufacturing of fiberboard is accompanied by a big amount of waste water , which contains rigorous concentration of pollutants . Along with the increasingly strictness of effluent standards , it is in dire need of the advanced treatment and recycling of the fiberboard waste water .