
  • 网络Waste alkali liquor;NaOH
  1. SF6及NF3生产过程中含氟废碱液的回收研究

    Study on Recovery of Fluorine-containing Waste Lye in SF_6 and NF_3 Productions

  2. 废碱液同时吸收CO2和H2S方法与传质模型的研究

    Study on the method of absorbing CO_2 and H_2S simultaneously via waste alkali liquor and the mass transfer model

  3. 该废碱液的特点是:排放量大、成分复杂、COD含量高。

    The wastewater has many characteristics such as a large quantity of discharge , complicated composition and high value of COD .

  4. 铁炭微电解、Fenton试剂法在炼油厂脱硫废碱液预处理中的应用

    Treatment of Desulfurization Waste Alkaline Liquor in Refinery with Ferric-Carbon Microelectrolysis and Fenton Reagent Technologies

  5. 在相同的总碱度下,再生废碱液的吸收速率(或传质系数)与OH-的浓度直接相关。

    Under the same total alkalinity , the absorbing rate of the regenerated spent caustic liquid ( or mass transfer factor ) is directly related with the OH concentration .

  6. 含有机酸钠盐的废碱液中Na2CO3、NaOH(NaHCO3)含量的测定

    Determining the content of Na_2CO_3 and NaOH or NaHCO_3 in waste alkali solution with sodium organic salt

  7. 丁辛醇废碱液含有醇、醛、三聚物等各种有机物,它们的极性很强,废水的COD高达30000mg/1以上。

    The alkali waste water drained from Butanol and Octanol Plant ( BOP ) contains some polarity organic compounds , such as alcohol , aldehyde and trimer , etc.

  8. 环己酮生产中皂化废碱液的中和处理与综合利用落叶松KP法制浆皂化物及塔尔油的加工

    Neutralization and Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Saponification Lye from Cyclohexanone Production Processing of Kraft Soap and Tall Oil from Chinese Larch Pulping

  9. 形成的氧化副产物小部分随产物进到蒸馏系统形成轻质油和X油,大部分通过氢氧化钠碱洗形成环己烷氧化废碱液排出装置。

    Most of the by-products that formed are discharged from the reactor in the form of waste water after caustic washing , while the other small part comes to the distillation system as the light weight oil and X oil .

  10. 印染企业丝光工艺使用和排放的碱量(烧碱)最高,而废碱液中还含有很高的COD及SS(如纤维、半纤维类杂质等)。

    The caustic soda consumption and discharge is the largest chemical reagent in the mercerization process in the textile printing and dyeing plants , meanwhile there are high levels of COD and SS ( consist of fibers and impurities ) in the discharged wastewater .

  11. 具体研究结果如下:1.活性炭连续吸附可以除去废碱液中的油类物质,在空速为0.100L/(kg·min)的条件下,处理量达350L/kg时,除油率为25%以上。

    Detailed research results are as follows : 1 . Activated carbon adsorption can remove oil from spent caustic , at the space velocity 0.100L / ( kg ? min ), oil removal percentage could reach to 25 % or more , and the throughput can reached 350L / kg .

  12. 研究发现以废碱液为碳源的处理效果稳定,废碱液中主要有机物均得到降解,出水NH3-N浓度低于检测限。

    The results showed that the treatment effect of the process which make spent caustic as the only carbon source was quite stable , the main organic matter in the spent caustic were all degradated . and the effluent NH3-N concentration was below the detection limit .

  13. 通过研究,综述了炼油废碱液的利用技术主要有熬制工业硫化碱、结晶提取Na2S、废碱液造纸制浆、沉淀法再生废碱液和中和法回收环烷酸等。

    After the study , the utilization of lye change consists of production of alkali sulfide with evaporation process for industry purpose , extracting Na2S after crystallisation , paper pulp making , regenerating lye with precipitation measure and recycling naphthenic acid with neutralization method .

  14. THS-1脱硫催化剂活性高、寿命较长,整个工艺过程无废碱液排放,具有较高的环保价值,是一套值得推广的新技术。

    THS-1 desulfurization catalyst activity , longer life expectancy , the entire process without waste lye emissions , have a high environmental value , which is worth promoting the new technology .

  15. 环己烷氧化废碱液酸化处理的研究

    Researches in the Acidification of Waste Lye Produced by Cyclohexane Oxidizing

  16. 湿式氧化工艺处理乙烯废碱液的开工运行

    Wet Air Oxidation Process for Spent Caustic Treatment-Startup Scheme and Operating

  17. 能耗较高,废碱液排放较多。

    Higher energy consumption and more discharge of waste caustic liquid .

  18. 皂化废碱液蒸发浓缩技术的改进

    Improvement on Evaporation and Concentration Technology of Saponification Waste Alkali Liquor

  19. 两步沉淀法处理乙烯废碱液的实验研究

    Study on two-step treatment of spent caustic water from ethylene cracking

  20. 乙烯裂解废碱液再生技术研究

    Study of Regeneration Technique for Spent Caustic Liquid from Ethylene Cracking

  21. 萃取皂化废碱液时萃取剂的选择

    The Selection of Extractant in the Treatment of Waste Saponification Lye

  22. 乙烯废碱液的再生及综合利用研究

    Study on regeneration and reuse of spent caustic from ethylene plant

  23. 皂化废碱液综合利用的研究

    Research on How to Make Full Use of Soaping Waste Lye

  24. 废弃钻井液处理技术与生态修复研究水解与接触氧化工艺处理炼油废碱液

    Treatment of Refinery Alkalinity Waste Liquid Using Hydrolysis-contact Oxidation Process

  25. 离子色谱技术在废碱液分析中的应用

    Application of ion chromatography in analysis of waste alkali liquid

  26. 空气氧化法处理乙烯装置的废碱液

    Treatment of waste alkali liquor in ethylene unit by atmospheric oxidation process

  27. 化学沉淀法再生乙烯裂解废碱液的研究

    Study on regeneration for spent caustic of ethylene cracking by chemical precipitation

  28. 废碱液湿式氧化系统操作探讨

    Discussion on the operation of spent caustic wet oxidation unit

  29. 均相化学催化氧化法处理废碱液中硫化物的研究

    Removing the sulfide in the spent alkali lye by homogeneous catalytic oxidization

  30. 环己烷氧化废碱液先进蒸发技术的开发与应用

    Development and application of evaporating waste lye by oxidizing cyclohexane