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fèi huà
  • nonsense;crap;rubbish;shit;garbage;drivel;bull shit;balls;superfluous words;bollocks;malarkey;palaver;chickenshit;senseless talk;twaddle phrase
废话 [fèi huà]
  • [superfluous words;nonsense;rubbish;twaddle phrase;senseless talk] 没有意义的话

  • 说了一大堆废话

废话[fèi huà]
  1. 我一生中从未听到过这样的废话!

    I have never in my entire life heard such nonsense !

  2. “废话!”他怒气冲冲地说。

    ' Nonsense ! ' he said hotly .

  3. 咱们别说废话了,开始干正事吧。

    Let 's cut the crap and get down to business .

  4. 你说的是一大堆废话。

    You 're talking a load of rubbish .

  5. 这份报告只是一大堆废话。

    The report is just full of waffle .

  6. 她满嘴废话。

    She 's so full of shit .

  7. 别说废话!

    Don 't talk such rot !

  8. 他在叽里咕噜说废话。

    He was gabbling nonsense .

  9. 那种废话都是左耳进,右耳出。

    That rubbish goes in one ear and out the other .

  10. 乔治,你得承认你说的全都是废话。

    You must admit George , you 're talking absolute rubbish .

  11. 我说的其余那些全部都是废话。

    All the rest I said , all that was bullshit .

  12. 这是政客们宣扬过无数次的废话。

    This is the claptrap that politicians have peddled many times before .

  13. 阿奇,闭嘴!净废话。

    Archie , shut up . You 're prattling .

  14. 我才不信那些废话呢。

    I 'm not buying any of that nonsense .

  15. 你为什么不能停止废话去把门打开。

    Why don 't you just cut the crap and open the door .

  16. 我一辈子还从没听到过这样一堆废话。

    I 've never heard such a load of tripe in all my life .

  17. 这都是废话和迷信,不是真的。

    It 's all rubbish and superstition , and there 's nothing in it .

  18. 那首十四行诗中有11行都是废话,毫无意义。

    Of the sonnet eleven of the lines are mere padding and say nothing .

  19. “废话,”我嘟哝了一声。

    ' Rubbish , ' I grunted

  20. 说多少废话都无法掩饰这最多只是一个极简主义的解决方案。

    No amount of flannel could disguise that this was , at best , a minimalist solution .

  21. 你这种人就会去附和他们的那些废话。

    You 're the kind of person who affiliates himself with the kind of crap they spout .

  22. 真是废话,我不相信它。

    What rubbish , I don 't believe it .

  23. 她总是在说废话。

    She talks rubbish all the time .

  24. 少说废话!

    No more nonsense !

  25. 少废话!

    Stop talking rubbish !

  26. 去你的!你说的全是废话!

    Go along with you ! what you say is all nonsense !

  27. 别说那么多废话!

    Don 't talk such a load of garbage !

  28. 废话!你以为我不知道吗?

    You 're wasting your breath ! do you think I don 't know that ?

  29. 我说的也可能是废话,不过还是请你再考虑考虑。

    What I said may seem superfluous , but I do hope you 'll give it a little more thought .

  30. 即使限制在一条140个字也有很大一部分是废话。

    Even in little 140-character bites , that 's a lot of verbiage .