
  1. 日趋紧张的石油资源和环境污染,给废旧资源的利用提出了极大的挑战,其中,废旧轮胎橡胶资源成为解决上述问题的主要对象之一。

    The limitation of crude oil and environmental pollution bring the waste resources a great challenge , in which , the ground tire rubber resource becomes a main target of resolving these issues .

  2. 对公路建设中如何加强环保意识,制定环保措施,减少水土流失,利用废旧资源,开发环保交通工具,保护生态环境等问题进行了阐述。

    This paper expounds the problems about how to strengthen the consciousness of environmental protection , formulate the measures of environmental protection , reduce the soil erosion , utilize the waste and old materials , develop environmental protection traffic means , and protect ecological environment , etc.

  3. 废旧塑料资源化路线的优化分析方法及原理

    Optimum Seeking Method and Principle for Converting Waste Plastics into Useful Materials

  4. 废旧电池资源化技术的研究分析

    Researching and Analysing of Recycle Treatment Technology of Waste Battery

  5. 要重视废旧铝箔资源的回收利用

    Attaching importance to recovery and utilize scrap aluminum foil resources

  6. 废旧产品资源回收过程决策方法研究

    Study on Decision-Making for Recycling Process of Used Products

  7. 废旧电池资源化、无害化

    Summarization of Reuse and Harmlessness of Waste Batteries

  8. 第五部分阐述了废旧家电资源回收利用产业化中各主要环节的作用和责任,以及实施和管理问题。

    Part V is on the main part of the role and responsibilities , as well as implementation and management issues in the recycling of discarded electric household appliances industry resources .

  9. 废旧机电产品资源化途径选择分析

    Approaches Choosing Analysis of Resource Recovery for Used Electromechanic Products

  10. 旧建筑物拆除中废旧砖瓦的资源化途径

    Recycling Methods for Waste Bricks and Tiles from Building Demolition

  11. 废旧汽车零部件资源化系统模型的建立

    Establishment of Resourced System model for Waste Automotive Parts

  12. 废旧干电池资源化技术评述

    Commentary on Reuse of Waste Dry Battery Techniques

  13. 废旧机电产品资源化的基本途径及支撑条件

    The Basic Approaches and Sustaining Conditions of the Resource Recovery of Waste Electromechanical Products

  14. 废旧机电产品资源化

    Resource Recovery of Waste Machinery and Electronic Products

  15. 对于电子垃圾,特别是废旧电脑的资源化,目前尚未有既经济又环保且适于生产的解决方案。

    However , there is no suitable solution which is economic and environmental to deal with e-waste , particularly old and useless computers .

  16. 在简述国内外废旧矿井瓦斯资源量、预测与评价理论、抽放方法与利用的基础上,分析了我国废弃矿井瓦斯抽放与利用的可行性及发展趋势。

    This paper gives a brief description of gas resource amount in abandoned mines , its predication and evaluation theory , drainage method and utilization both at home and abroad , and analyzes the feasibility and development trend of gas drainage and utilization from abandoned mines in China .

  17. EPS废旧料回收再资源化技术探讨

    Discussion of resource recovery technology of waste EPS

  18. EPS废旧料回收再资源化是治理白色污染、有效利用能源的最佳途径。

    Resource recovery of EPS is the best way to treat plastics pollution and it can use the energy effectively .

  19. 废旧印刷电路板资源化技术及无害化对策评述

    Innocuous management and resource recovery techniques for scrap printed circuit boards

  20. 废旧印刷线路板资源化技术

    Recycling and Reuse of Waste Printed Circuit Board

  21. 废旧电脑设备的资源化研究

    Research On Reutilization Of Waste Computer Equipment

  22. 指出废旧镍镉电池实现资源化和实用化处理是该技术的发展方向。

    At the same time , the study tendency of the treatment technology was anticipated .

  23. 随着大量家用电器进入报废期,废旧家用电器的资源化回收利用成为一个新的环境问题。

    With a large amount of household appliances becoming old and waste , a new environmental problem appears in recent years .

  24. 随着科学技术的发展,由废旧产品引发的资源过度消耗和环境污染问题日益严峻。

    With the development of science and technology , the excessive consumption of resources and environmental pollution problems caused by e-waste products have become increasingly severe .

  25. 而每年大量淘汰的废旧产品是造成资源浪费和环境污染加剧的重要原因,因此,人们开始关注废旧产品的回收和再利用。

    But , actually , many used products result in resource waste and environment pollution , therefore people come to pay more attention to product recovery and reuse .

  26. 同时由于汽车轮胎的报废量逐年增长,造成废旧轮胎橡胶的资源浪费和对环境的极大影响。

    And because of the amount of scrap automobile tires growth year after year , which resulting in a great waste of the waste tire rubber and it has great influence on the environment .

  27. 文中通过对废旧汽车回收模型的研究以及资源化技术的进展回顾,建立了废旧汽车资源化系统模型,以期加快我国废旧汽车零部件资源回收的步伐。

    According to the study of recycle model of waste vehicles and retrospect of progress on resourced technology , this paper establishes resourced system model for waste vehicles . We hope accelerating the paces of resource recovery on waste automotive parts .

  28. 废旧轮胎胶粉在水泥混凝土中的利用是废旧资源循环利用项目的一个新课题。它对废旧汽车轮胎的清洁利用,节约资源和改善水泥混凝土的性能都具有重要意义。

    Utilizing recycled tire rubber powder in cement concrete is a new challenge in recycling of waste , which have important beneficial for clean recycling of scrap tires , saving resource and improving properties of cement concrete .

  29. 因此,研究废旧轮胎的回收与再利用体系网络、评价废旧轮胎资源化的方法和途径,具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it has practical significance to study recycling and reusing system network of waste tires and evaluating methods of resource of waste tires .

  30. 废旧家电逆向物流,也即我们俗称的废旧家电回收,是指以废旧家电产品的资源化利用和无害化处理为目的,对消费者使用后的废旧家电产品组织进行的收集、运输和储存活动。

    Reverse logistics of discarded and used household appliances , also named as the recycling of waste electric appliances , refers to the activity of collecting , transporting and storing discarded and used household appliances so as to achieve the goal of recycle using of regional resources and reduce treatment .