
zhǐ dǎo xìnɡ
  • instructive;guideline
  1. 合作伙伴制的实践意义不仅在于它能够提升和完善市场操作模式,而且在整合市场资源、提高市场管理效率、优化渠道销售、抢占零售终端也具有很强的指导性。

    The significance of the cooperative-partner system practice was not only lied in promoting and consummating the market operating pattern , but also it was a guideline of integrating the market source , raising the managing efficiency , optimizing the channel market and seizing the retail terminal .

  2. StefanHepper发表了一些指导性的文章,其中列举了在门户应用程序中特定的应该做的和不该做的事情。

    Stefan Hepper has published several guideline articles that list specific dos and don'ts within a portal application .

  3. 国家课程设置必须是指导性的,而不是约束性的。

    The national curriculum must be a guide , not a straitjacket .

  4. 暗示教学法与非指导性教学法是现代教学中新的研究课题。

    Hint methodology and non guided methodology are the new research subjects in modern teaching .

  5. 上周五,黑莓手机生产商ResearchinMotion大幅下调了其2012年的指导性收入预测,并警告即将进行裁员,消息一出,该公司便遭到分析师们的围攻。

    The analysts were all over research in motion ( RIMM ) Friday after the company issued sharply lower guidance for 2012 and warned of forthcoming layoffs .

  6. 针对少女装C品牌假日消费群体不同的购买动机和行为,本文提出了差异化的假日服务营销组合策略。对少女装品牌企业在假日里进行有针对性的服务营销提供了指导性的作用。

    Based on the different consumer motives and behaviors of C brand on holiday , a service marketing strategy with differentiation is drawn to give instruct to holiday service marketing in fashion brand .

  7. 本研究对报业ERP建设,ERP规划,报业数据仓库系统乃至决策信息系统的建立都有着指导性的意义。

    This research has the important meaning for newspapering ERP construction , ERP programming , the establishment of newspapering data warehouse system and decision information system .

  8. 我做过很多指导性的工作,设计过许多内部SOA培训项目,当然,在不断更新技能的方面也具有一定的个人经验。

    I do a lot of mentoring , have designed much of our internal SOA training , and of course have the personal experience of continuously updating my own skills .

  9. 并进一步结合北京票务信息系统(BEST)的应用实例,讨论了响应适当准则在开发与设计对话系统响应生成器中的指导性作用。

    Furthermore , an application instance of the appropriate maxim for BEST is showed too , and the guiding effect of the appropriate maxim in developing and designing the generator of spoken dialog system is discussed based on application results .

  10. 新HSK作为教学的评价手段,对学生的学习和教师的教学具有指导性的意义。

    The New HSK , as the assessment approach , has significance of guiding both teachers and students .

  11. 其次,2001年中国加入WTO时的指导性规定存在一个鲜为人知的漏洞,使得全球带有保护主义色彩的回应很容易比2002时蔓延得更快也更广。

    Second , a little-known loophole in the rules governing China 's 2001 WTO accession makes it easy for a global protectionist response to spread faster and further than that which took hold in 2002 .

  12. 目的探讨用逆转录聚合酶链反应(Reversetranscriptionpolymerasechainreaction,RTPCR)检测结直肠癌淋巴结微转移,为临床肿瘤分期并制定合理的治疗方案提供指导性依据。

    Purpose To detect the lymph node micrometastasis using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ), so as to lead to a more accurate clinical staging and a more rational therapeutic decision-making .

  13. 本规划通过3G网络对传送网的要求给出山东移动省内长途传输网的建设方案,并就本地网的建设提出了指导性意见。

    Through the 3G network requirement for transportation net , this program gives the long-distance transportation net construction in Shandong province and the guidance suggestion to the local net construction .

  14. 而认识网站当前状态的最有效途径,便是数据,网站访问次数、访问人数、访问IP数,逗留时长等等都是很好的指导性指标。

    The most effective way of understanding the operating status of a site is to analyze several types of data , such as site visits , number of visitors , which are the indicators of good guidance .

  15. 文中详细介绍了Web使用挖掘的最新研究成果,并对将来技术的研究方向和发展趋势进行了探讨性的预测与分析,为进一步的理论研究和实际应用工作提供了指导性的建议。

    This article specifically introduces the latest research achievements of Web usage mining , attempting to do some analysis and forecast works for research direction and development tendency of future technology , which provides introductive suggestions for further theory research and application work .

  16. VB的文档通常采用“程序员参考”的形式,针对的对象偏向于商业用户和偶尔使用VB的人,其内容比一般的参考手册更偏重指导性。

    Designed more for business and casual users , the documentation normally takes the form of a " programmer 's reference ", which is more instructional in nature than a reference manual .

  17. 我们对RamViswanathan(IBM的著名工程师兼GBSC的首席架构师)表示忠心的感谢和诚挚的问候,他提供了一些宝贵的指导性意见,如果没有他的支持,我们将无法完成本文。

    We convey our thanks and sincerely acknowledge guidance and ideas from Ram Viswanathan ( IBM Distinguished Engineer and Chief Architect of GBSC ) without whose support it could not be completed .

  18. 因此研究树脂在RTM工艺中的流动行为,尤其流动前沿的形状及其压力场分布情况等对生产实践具有指导性的意义。

    So it is instructive and meaningful to research resin flow in the RTM process , the shape and pressure field for production practice . ( 1 ) The influence of gravity on the flow of resin is considered .

  19. 我们将新的教学模式分为指导性学习WST、研究性学习WST两个类型,并对新模式运行的主要过程进行了逐一解释。

    Divide new teaching pattern into two types including instructive learning WST and research learning WST ; at the same time , make definite explanation for the operation course of new pattern .

  20. 阐述化学品安全数据表(MSDS)是生产企业中安全使用化学品的管理指导性文件,指出要重视落实相应措施。安全方面的数据、措施必须保证贯彻和实施。

    The thesis expounds that chemical material safety data list ( MSDS ) is a managerial and instructive document in safe application of chemical materials in manufacturing enterprises , points out the emphasis of corresponding measures being carried out and practicing .

  21. 为贯彻国家标准GB3480-83,纺织工业部制定了指导性技术文件《纺织机械渐开线圆柱齿轮承载能力简化计算方法》。

    To follow the National Standard GB 3480-83 , the Ministry of Textile Industry has worked out a technical instructional document named " Simplified Calculation Method of Load Capacity of Cylindrical Involute Gears Used in Textile Machines " .

  22. 法律翻译不仅需要大量实践,还需要指导性的翻译理论。

    Legal translation needs both much practice and guiding translation theories .

  23. 最后,得出了指导性的结论与建议。

    Finally , some instructive conclusions and proposals are worked out .

  24. 本文的研究具有较强的指导性、实践性和预见性。

    This research has strong guidance , practicality and foresight .

  25. 其次,指导性案例的遴选应当采用较为严格的标准。

    Second , the selection of guiding cases should adopt stringent standards .

  26. 谈党报指导性与可读性的结合

    On the Combination Between Guide and Readability of Party Organ

  27. 分别确立指导性案例的选编和公布主体。

    Recommendations are to establish guidance and publishing case subjects .

  28. 而形成性评价对常规教学更具有指导性,更有利于激发学生的学习热情。

    The former evaluation is more instructive and inspiring to students learning .

  29. 为双金属复合铸造工艺的优化起到指导性作用。

    It has a directive function for optimizing bimetal composite casting process .

  30. 用活经济杠杆,把指导性计划落到实处

    Utilizing Economic Levers Flexibly to Carry out Directive Plan