
zhǐ jiɑ cuò
  • nail file
  1. 最初设计出来的发卡有着锯齿状边缘,可用来切割物品,ClipperLady发卡将该位置的刀具功能替换为指甲锉,这几乎必然会引起一些女权主义者的不满。

    Where previous features on the original design have included a serrated edge for cutting , the Clipper Lady replaces the knife function with a nail file ... something which will almost certainly raise a few eyebrows amongst feminists .

  2. 亲爱的,我找不到我的指甲锉了。

    Gabrielle : Honey , I can 't find my nail file .

  3. 你的指甲锉和那只笔。

    It 's your nail file and the pen .

  4. 我一时找不到螺丝刀,这把指甲锉可暂时凑合着用。

    I can 't find a screwdriver but this file should serve the purpose .

  5. 手动锉(不包括牙锉或指甲锉及可互换的工具部件)

    File , hand-operated ( excl. dental or manicuring files and interchangeable tool pieces )

  6. 你可以用筷子,冰棒棍,指甲锉。

    You can use a chopstick , or a popsicle stick , a nail file .

  7. 义乌市双乔美容美发用具有限公司是专业生产指甲锉;卷发器;美容套装的企业。

    Is specializing in the production of appliances , nail file ; hair curler ; Cosmetology suite of enterprise .

  8. 粒度越高,指甲锉就越细致,粒度越小,锉刀就越粗糙。

    The higher the number , the finer and less abrasive the grit , the lower the number , the harsher the grit .

  9. 除了可以用作螺丝刀,发卡的一边还有着清晰的刻度,可以作为尺子使用,甚至可以作为指甲锉,在你忙碌时也能保持指甲边缘整齐。

    Alongside a screwdriver function , there are also neat markings on one side of the clip should you need a ruler and even a scraper to keep nails looking clean while you 're on the run .

  10. 在双脚浸润的情况下用磨脚石或指甲砂锉去除死皮。

    Remove corns with a pumice stone or emery board while your feet are soaking .

  11. 避免来回锉,千万不要在指甲湿润的时候锉。

    Avoid filing in a back and forth motion , and never file when your nails are wet .

  12. 化妆刷,指甲挫,指甲锉,指甲刷,化妆镜,木锉,沐浴刷。

    Cosmetic Brush , Powder Puff , Nail File , Mirrors , gift , Cosmetics , hardware fitting .