
  • 网络Geographical Indication
  1. TRIPs协定对地理标识的法律保护

    On the Protection of Geographical Indications Under the TRIPS Agreement

  2. 论TRIPs协议地理标识的扩大保护

    On Extending Protection of Geographical Indications of the TRIPs Agreement

  3. 试论Trips协议下我国地理标识的保护制度

    On the protective institutions about our country 's geographic indications in coordination with the TRIPS Agreement

  4. 中国代表同意这种评估,并重申中国完全遵守《TRIPS协定》关于地理标识的有关条款的意愿。

    The representative of China shared this assessment and reiterated China 's intention to fully comply with relevant articles in the TRIPS Agreement on geographical indications .

  5. 在对传统集中式的GIS的弊端的研究之上,提出了一种基于地理标识语言(GML)矢量图层分割的空间数据分布式协同处理方式。

    This paper researched the disadvantage of the traditional GIS and put forward a distributed coordinated management of spatial date based on division of GML vector map layer .

  6. 地理标识语言(GML)的出现有效地促进不同地理数据源的整合,因而得到广泛应用。

    Geography Markup Language ( GML ) has effectively promoted the integration of various geographic data sources and is therefore widely used .

  7. 法国是最直言不讳的TTIP怀疑者,主要原因是该国担心,该协议可能会损害法国农业,削弱其地理标识的价值,这些标识保护着法国标志性的葡萄酒、奶酪和肉类。

    France is the most vocal TTIP sceptic , largely because of fears that the deal could harm its farming sector and lessen the value of geographical indications that protect iconic French wines , cheeses and meats .

  8. 地理标识保护与提高我国农产品竞争力

    Protection of Geographical Indications and Improvement of China 's Agro-Product Competitiveness

  9. 含酒精成分低于标准烈度酒的对葡萄酒和烈酒地理标识的附加保护

    Additional Protection for Geographical Indications for Wines and Spirits

  10. 地理标识,包括原产地名称

    Geographical indications , including appellations of origin 55

  11. 增加集体商标和证明商标(包括地理标识)的内容;

    To add the content of collective trademark and certification trademark ( including geographical indications );

  12. 随着近代以来葡萄酒和白酒地理标识的不断增加,中国酒业地理文化研究则显得相对薄弱。

    With the growing of geographical indications for wines and spirits in modern times , the geo-studies of Chinese wine culture is relatively week .

  13. 在此类谈判中,各成员应自愿考虑这些规定继续适用于其使用曾为此类谈判主题单个地理标识。

    In the context of such negotiations , Members shall be willing to consider the continued applicability of these provisions to individual geographical indications whose use was the subject of such negotiations .

  14. 基于位置的路由选择算法根据节点的地理位置来标识目的地,从而利用该地理位置信息进行路由选择;

    In position-based routing algorithms , forwarding decisions were made based on the geographical position of a packet 's destination .

  15. 包括地理标志的概念、地理标志与来源标识、原产地名称、商标等相关概念的辨析、地理标志的法律性质及地理标志保护的法律价值。

    Including the concept of geographic indication , geographical indications and sources identification , origin name , trademark and other related concepts discrimination , geographic indications of the legal nature and geographical indication protection of legal values .