
  • 网络angular line;loxodrome
  1. 经过DMO后,可以从一组等炮检距剖面得出共分角线点道集。

    After DMO , the offset sections can be sorted into Common-bisector-point gathers .

  2. 看,蓝金色相间的边角线也很整齐,里面肯定是含一些元素的。

    See , trim lines , blue and gold , and it has elements on it .

  3. 利用有限元对岸坡岩体力学行为进行分析结果表明,当桥基设置在荷载作用稳定坡角线以内时,荷载对边坡坡面岩体应力影响很小,不会影响边坡的整体稳定性及桥基的安全。

    The results of mechanical behaviors analysis of bank slope rock mass by FEM show that when bridge foundation is built in stable slope angle , the influence of bridge load on rock mass stress is too little to affect the whole stability of slope and safety of bridge foundation .

  4. 利用矢量相干求和及坡印亭矢量概念,导出了目标RCS和角闪烁线偏差公式,并得出了几条特定轨迹上导引头跟踪目标的模拟结果。

    The formulas for the target RCS and glint linear deviation are developed by using Poynting vector concept .

  5. 变角螺旋线在扭曲叶片设计中的应用

    Application of Variable Angle Helix on the Design of Twisted Vane

  6. 一个角平分线不等式的逆向形式及其它

    The Inverse Form of an Angular Bisector Inequality and Other Inequalities

  7. 关于角平分线法建立线状缓冲区算法的改进

    Improvement on Algorithm of building linear buffer zone by angular bisectrix method

  8. 楔形角、线倾角及其测量

    Wedge angle line - oblique angle and its measurement

  9. 一个角平分线猜想不等式的证明

    A Proof of the Conjectured Inequality on Angular Bisector

  10. 一种通用的角平分线网络构造算法

    A General Building Algorithm for Angular Bisector Network

  11. 角平分线的两个不等式与若干猜想

    Two Inequalities and Some Guesses on Angular Bisector

  12. 角平分线投影特性的研究

    Study of the Projection Character about Angle Bisector

  13. 雷达目标远区角闪烁线偏差与观察距离无关的一般性证明

    General proof of observation distance independence of the far-zone angular glint of radar targets

  14. 通过对角平分线投影特性的分析、总结,从理论上证明了角平分线投影特性。

    The analysis and summarization , the projection character of angle bisector is proved on theory .

  15. 然后用角形线和锯齿形线分割平面,采用递归和余差公式两种方法,解决了平面区域分割的计数问题。

    Count problem in domain cutting of plane is soved by using methods of recursive and residue formula .

  16. 方法10具完整脊柱骨标本,测量椎体矢状面、水平面标准位像前1/3中心点与椎弓根夹角,取其角平分线为穿刺角和进针轨道。

    The angles between pedicle and anterior-inferior 1 / 3 part center of the vertebra were measured , respectively .

  17. 建立两个涉及两个三角形的有关旁切圆半径和角平分线的不等式。

    This paper intends to establish two inequalities involving two triangles about radius of escribed circle and bisector of angle .

  18. 一种角平分线绘制器,它由四条连杆铰接组成的菱形框架构成。

    The utility model relates to an angle bisector drawing instrument which consists of a rhombus-shaped frame formed by articulating four connecting bars .

  19. 系统重点阐述了灾害范围划分用到的缓冲区生成算法,基于角平分线的缓冲区生成算法和动态缓冲区生成算法。

    The system focuses on the buffer generation algorithms that disaster range partition uses , including buffer generation algorithm based on the angle bisector and dynamic buffer generation algorithm .

  20. 分析了用对角平分线法建立缓冲区的算法,提出了一种新的求角平分线和缓冲点的方法,实践证明其在算法实现方面是可行的,而且效果比较理想。

    The paper analyzes the algorithm of building linear buffer zone by angular bisectrix method , then puts forward a new method for getting angular bisectrix and buffer point .

  21. 由于角平分线的抗噪能力强,受旋转和尺度等因素的影响较小,该方法检测得到的特征区域具有较好的稳定性和可重复性,且时间复杂度低。

    Because of the angle bisector is robust to noise and affected small by the rotation and scale , regions detected by the method has good stability , repeatability and low time complexity .

  22. 在欧氏几何中建立起了角平分线,两条直线垂直、线段长度、点到直线的距离的对偶命题。

    At the same time , the duality propositions of the angular bisector , two perpendicular lines , the length of the line segment , the distance between a point and a line in Euclidean geometry , were also established .

  23. 其思路是,基于双基地雷达的雷达方程和干扰方程,通过比较双基地雷达与单基地雷达探测区求解的不同之处,引申出双基地角等值线的概念。

    Based on radar equation and jamming equation of bistatic radar and by comparing the differences in the calculation of detection coverage between a conventional monostatic radar and a bistatic radar , the conception of bistatic radar angle isoline is presented .

  24. 这些层中最大压应力方向可分别采用塑性流动网络共轭角平分线、震源机制解和井孔应力测量等方法加以确定。

    The maximum compressive stress directions in these layers can be estimated respectively by using the methods of ( 1 ) bisecting conjugate angles of plastic-flow network , ( 2 ) focal mechanism solutions and ( 3 ) in-situ stress measurements in boreholes .

  25. 分析得出,常规单基地雷达探测区上的任一点必然属于从雷达引出的某一条射线,而双基地雷达探测区上的任一点必然属于某一条双基地角等值线。

    Then a conclusion is drawn that is , any point in the detection coverage of a bistatic radar belongs to a certain bistatic radar angle isoline , while a point of a conventional monostatic radar belongs to the radial drawn out from radar itself .

  26. 用Mathematic软件求解了螺旋升角、接触线、界限函数、诱导法曲率,并进行了图形仿真。

    The helix angle , the contact line , the limit function and the induced normal curvature are discussed with the aid of Mathematic .

  27. 方法:在30具成人尸体上观察食管下端的形态、结构,并对His角,Z线及食管各段肌层的厚度进行了测量。

    Methods : The shape and structure of the lower esophagus , angle of His , Z line , gastric sling fiber , clasp fibers and the thickness of different level of esophageal wall were observed on 30 adult cadavers .

  28. 通过对自主式机器人(AMR)运动学特性的研究,结合人工驾驶的知识经验和自主式机器人的角速度-线速度函数模型,设计了基于多传感器信息的机器人模糊控制系统。

    According to the kinematical characteristic of Autonomous Mobile Robot ( AMR ), manual navigation experience and the AMR 's angular velocity-line velocity functional model , a fuzzy control system for robot based on multi-sensor data was presented .

  29. 针对任意各向异性程度的HTI介质水平反射界面,提出了D剖面的概念,并由此得到任意方位角(测线方向与主轴方向的夹角)的转换波正常时差(NMO)速度公式。

    A double profile for describing the horizontal reflectors in HTI media with any strength of anisotropy is proposed . Moreover , the equations for normal moveout ( NMO ) velocity of P S wave in HTI medium with arbitrary symmetry and any strength of anisotropy are obtained .

  30. 另外介绍了BSRF新建设的一条小角散射光束线(1W2A)的设计情况,重点讨论了双狭缝系统对束线性能的调制作用。

    In the second part of the thesis , the design of the new beam line for Small-angle X-ray Scattering ( 1W2A ) is described . And the 2 slits system which is used to modulate the performance of light is discussed on emphasis .