
  1. 奥组委大宗物品采购采取政府采购方式,通过招投标进行统一采购。

    Bulk commodity purchase by BOCOG shall be carried out through the system of government purchases and open bidding .

  2. 现在每年以政府采购方式所使用的公共资金已超过国际贸易总额的10%。

    The public funds used by government procurement has already exceeded 10 % of international trade total value every year now .

  3. 随着互联网的广泛使用,政府采购方式已从以前的传统手段,即,使用人力和纸介质来完成信息的发布与管理,转换为电子式采购方式。

    With the widespread use of the Internet , government procurement from the previous traditional means , namely , the use of human and paper media to complete the release of information and management , conversion to electronic procurement .

  4. 政府采购缔约方式研究

    Study on Contracting Methods of Government Procurement

  5. 在国外,政府电子采购方式已经得到了普遍应用,并引起了许多国际经济组织的高度重视,但在国内,由于网络应用不普及等原因,政府电子采购方式还处于起步阶段。

    Abroad , the government e-procurement has been widely used and caused a lot of attention of international economic organizations , but in our country , due to network not widely used and other reasons , the government e-procurement is still in its infancy .

  6. 最后,运用多层次多目标模糊综合评价模型对中美政府采购运行方式的评价指标进行了对比分析,得出结论;第五章,分析总结了美国政府采购运行方式对我国的借鉴。

    Finally , the multi-objective multi-level Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model is applied to comparatively analyze the evaluation index system of China and the United States government procurement operation mode and draw a conclusion . The fifth chapter analyzes and summarizes the reference of U.S. government procurement operation mode to China .

  7. 军事计量项目的政府采购模式及方式研究

    Study About Model and Mode of the Government Procurement for Military Metrology Project

  8. 财政集中支付模式下政府采购资金运行方式的探讨

    The Discussion of the Government-purchasing Fund Operation On the Mode of Treasury Direct - payment

  9. 论文的这一部分首先对我国政府采购在运行方式上存在的问题进行了深刻的剖析,然后由此展开论述了美国政府采购的运行方式对于我国的启示和借鉴作用。

    This part of the paper first of all analyzes deeply on the problems of Chinese government procurement operation mode and thus starts on the inspiration and reference of U.S. government procurement operation for China .

  10. 政府采购中公开招标方式的研究

    Study on the Method of Competitive Bidding in Government Procurement

  11. 政府采购包括政府采购政策、采购方式及采购管理在内的对政府采购行为的总称。

    Government procurement is a general term which includes acts of government procurement policy , procurement methods and procurement management .

  12. 在国际政府采购立法上,一般存在7种政府采购方式,包括:公开招标、邀请招标、两阶段招标、竞争性谈判、邀请建议书、询价和单一来源采购。

    There are all together 7 types of governmental procurement in conformity to governmental procurement law of other countries , including open tendering procedure , selective tendering procedure , two-stage tendering procedure , competitive negotiation , request for proposals , request for quotation and single source procurement .

  13. 一般而言,政府对企业R&D的支持有直接和间接两种方式,直接方式包括政府补贴和政府采购,而间接方式以税收优惠为主。

    One is the direct way including government allowance and government purchasing , the other is the indirect way such as tax credit which is the leading one .