
  • 网络Policy-related Bank Loans;Policy bank loans
  1. 九、国家政策性银行贷款

    Loans from the state policy banks

  2. 国家在重大基础设施投资项目中适当增加投资比重和政策性银行贷款比重。

    The state shall appropriately increase the proportion of investment and bank loan for policy consideration in important investment projects of infrastructures .

  3. 国家政策性银行贷款、国际金融组织和外国政府优惠贷款,尽可能多安排西部地区的项目。

    The region will also be granted as much as possible State policy loans and loans provided with preferential terms by international financial organizations or foreign governments .

  4. 国家政策性银行的贷款利率通常与市场利率相同。

    The interest rates of the State Policy Banks loans are usually the same as the market interest rates .

  5. 开行是我国最大的政策性银行,贷款主要投放于基础设施、基础产业和支柱产业项目,资金来源主要是在银行间市场发行金融债券。

    CDB , the largest policy bank in China , mainly provides credit support to infrastructure projects , basic industry and mainstay industry . CDB raises funds mainly by issuing financial bonds in the inter-bank market .

  6. 我国政策性银行的不良贷款比率一直保持着较高的水平,而且随着经营业务的继续发展,未来风险呈现上升趋势。

    The ratio of the non-performing loans of the policy bank maintains a high level , and with the development of credit business we will see further increase in the future .

  7. 对银行而言,建议由政策性银行进行国家助学贷款业务;

    Thirdly the national loan should be operated by national policy bank .

  8. 政策性贷款与中央银行贷款对国有企业的扩张发生在国有企业生产已经饱和而民营企业存在剩余生产能力的情形下,将会引发通货膨胀。

    For the saturation of production ability of state-owned enterprises and the surplus production ability of private firms , the central bank and polity bank 's financing of state-owned firms will lead to currency inflation .