
  • 网络policy object
  1. 同时辨证的认为惠农遭遇该困境有政策客体在政策制定的过程中参与能动性不足、政策主体的政策管理素质偏弱、缺乏第三方监督机制等原因。

    Differentiation of that benefit farmers also face difficulties with the policy object in the policy making process involved in lack of initiative , the policy of the main elements of the weak policy management , lack of third-party monitoring mechanism and other reasons .

  2. 从创新经济体的政策制定体制、政策主体、政策客体和政策工具几个方面分析了创新经济体的政策要素。

    The policy elements of innovation economy are analyzed in the institution of policy-making of innovation economy , policy subject , policy object and policy tools of innovation economy .

  3. 食品安全问题属于公共政策客体的范畴。

    Food safety issue are the object of public policy areas .

  4. 高等教育投资政策执行客体因素包括高等教育投资政策问题以及目标群体。

    Policy objective , including policy problems and policy colony ;

  5. 社会利益作为公共政策的客体或目标,并不是被动的接受公共政策的权威性分配。

    The social interests as the object or target of public policy . It is not passive acceptance of authority distribution .

  6. 它应该包括主体、政策、客体、方式、目标以及绩效等6个方面。

    It should include the subject , policy means , object , method , goal and the performance of the six aspects .

  7. 其总体特征是政策作用客体与政策制定及实施的主体出现二元化、横向政策手段和政策工具的运用成为主流、由于国家战略利益凸现而呈现出鲜明的民族性。

    The characteristic of this policy are : duality between its object and main body , horizontal measures and nationality emerged with strategic interests .

  8. 卫生政策主体与客体处于一种互动共生的观念。和谐社会卫生观的基本内涵是:有序、平衡、协调、良性运行与发展。

    Its basic connotation is in order , balance , coordination , good operation and development .

  9. 二是在分析技术创新及其政策的主客体的基础上,探讨了技术创新与技术创新政策之间的互动关系。

    Secondly , this paper analyses the subject and object of technology innovation and its policy , and probes into the interactional relationship between technology innovation and technology innovation policy .

  10. 但由于受到公共政策主体、客体及环境等多方面因素的影响,公共政策的流失就成为了公共政策的实然状态。

    But under the influence of public policy subject , object , environment and other factors , the loss of public policy has become the actual state of public policy .

  11. 城市规划与公共政策在主体、客体和程序等方面具有一致性。

    Urban planning and public policy have much consistency in subject , object and procedures , etc.

  12. 第三,在明确科技政策制定主体和客体的基础上,分析了科技政策制定的环境和原则,论述了科技政策制定的程序及模型。

    Thirdly , on the basis of acknowledging the S T policymaking 's subject and object , this paper analyses the S T policymaking environment , rules , procedure , and models .

  13. 刑事政策的价值是刑事政策的客体对于刑事政策主体的意义和效用,包括刑事政策价值主体、刑事政策价值客体、刑事政策价值目标三个要素。

    The values of criminal policy is the meaning and effects to the subjects , they include three factors of subject , object and objectives of values .

  14. 方法移植公共政策学的研究方法,分析药物政策的主体、客体及其特殊性。

    Methods The main body , object and the particularity of pharmaceutical policy were analyzed by transplanting the method of the public policy subject .

  15. 影响政策制定的因素有很多,如政策主体因素、客体因素、政策环境因素和制度因素等等,其中制度起着关键作用。

    There are many factors effecting policy formulation , for example , main body factor , object factor , policy environment factor and institution factor . The last one plays key role among them .

  16. 学校是教育政策的多元利益主体之一,拥有教育政策制定主体和客体的双重身份。

    Local educational policy making is the benefit transaction course , it is the equilibrium of multi benefits .

  17. 首先,政策目标需要平衡各个利益主体的诉求,通过构建政策主体与客体之间的对话机制,协调政策主体与客体之间的政策信仰,实现政策目标的认同。

    In the first , it needs to balance the demands of various stakeholders , by building the policy dialogue mechanism between subjects and objects to coordinate policy beliefs between subjects and objects to achieve at recognition of policy goals .

  18. 实现文化产业政策制定的目标,需要处理好文化产业政策主体、文化产业政策客体、文化产业政策实施手段三者之间的关系,构建有效的文化产业政策实施机制。

    In order to realize the policy goal , we should handle well the relations between the objects , subjects and implementary means so as to construct an efficient implementary mechanism .

  19. 以教育政策评估对象为依据,可以将一级指标分为教育政策主体、教育政策客体、教育政策环境三个指标。

    Taking the evaluative object of educational policy as basis , the first-level index can be classified into three indexes such as subject , object and environment of educational policy .

  20. 以政策科学理论的视角,水库移民政策系统可以分为水库移民政策主体、政策客体、政策环境以及政策系统的运行四个方面。

    From the view of policy science theory , the policy system of reservoir resettlement can be divided into four aspects : the policy subject , the policy object , the policy environment and the operation of policy system .

  21. 我国政策体制的不健全,是引起政策制定系统与执行系统、政策执行系统之间以及政策主体与客体相互脱节,进而导致执行成本过高的主要原因。

    The imperfectness of the policy system in China is the main cause for the disjointing of the policy making from execution , of the inner systems of policy execution from each other , and of the policy subjects from objects , which causes the high policy execution cost .

  22. 教育政策的价值系统主要由教育政策活动的价值要素及其关系构成,包括教育政策的价值主体、教育政策的价值客体、教育政策问题和教育政策的价值关系等主要方面。

    Value system of educational policy is constituted of value elements of policy activities and their relationships , including value subjects of educational policy , value objects of educational policy , educational policy problems and value relationships of educational policy .

  23. 在公共政策执行过程中,存在着一些影响公共政策有效执行的障碍,主要表现为公共政策执行主体的障碍、公共政策客体的障碍、责任追究制度的障碍以及公共政策本身的障碍。

    In the process of implementing public policies , there are some barriers to their effective implementation , mainly : barrier in implementing subject and object , in responsibility investigating system , and in public policies themselves .