
dān dǎ yī
  • concentrate on one thing only;have a one-track mind
单打一 [dān dǎ yī]
  • [have a one-track mind] 只做一件事或只接触某一方面而不管其他方面

单打一[dān dǎ yī]
  1. 它将引导人们思想衰退,单打一,见不得世面,唱不得对台戏。

    It will lead to mental deterioration , one-track minds , and unpreparedness to face the world and meet challenges .

  2. 现代化建设的任务是多方面的,各个方面需要综合平衡,不能单打一。

    Since our modernization programme covers many fields , it calls for an overall balance and we cannot stress one to the neglect of the others .

  3. 高师美术教育任务是培养合格的中学美术师资,是发展学生的全面素质,而不是单打一的技法训练。

    The task for education of drawing art in teacher 's training college is to make students as qualified teachers , to develop their quality totally , not train them in only one skill .

  4. 但是由于对此项工作的综合性和复杂性缺乏充分的认识,防治工作存在“单打一”现象。⑵认识不足。

    However , due to the work of the comprehensive and complex nature of the lack of full understanding , prevention and control work there ," Dan Dayi " phenomenon . ⑵ inadequate understanding .

  5. 广安市在水土保持工作中,克服过去水保部门单打一的做法,把与生态环境建设相关的项目全部纳入长治工程大示范区建设范围,打好总体战。

    Avoiding the practice of " single-way " conducted in the past by soil and water conservation departments , Guang'an City puts all ecological environment related projects into establishing a big pilot area of " the Yangtze River Management " Project .