
  1. 主要包括宪法,关于外国投资的单行法律法规,各种地方性法规和签订的国际条约。

    These laws include the constitution , special regulations of foreign investment , various local laws and appraisable international treaty .

  2. 形成了以基本法为核心,针对不同类型的保护区,配套相应的单行法律,提高立法的针对性和可操作性。

    Corresponding specific law with basic law-core for different types of nature reserve are enacted to raise pertinence and feasibility . 3 .

  3. 这些国家在刑法典或单行法律中对药品安全进行了规制。对药品掺假或仿冒的,违反药品质量管理规定的以及违反该国或地区药事法律规定的违法行为是刑事规制的重点。

    These countries regulated the drug safety in penal code or specific law , and give emphasis to the adulterant that violate the law .

  4. 笔者相信,随着我国立法工作的不断推进,在不久的将来我国一定能构建出一部系统、规范的关联交易单行法律。

    The author believes , with the advancement of legislative work , our country will set up a systematic and normative law about the affiliated transaction in the future .

  5. 虽然我国的行政程序法还没有出台,但这项制度已经在单行法律、法规中有所规定,这个进步是值得肯定的。

    Although China has not yet promulgated the Administrative Procedure Act , but this system has been in the single , laws and regulations required by law , this progress is worthy of recognition .

  6. 构建网络隐私权保护机制,要在相关立法上下功夫,制定统一综合性的专门法律,而且随着网络侵权新问题、新情况产生制定相关单行法律。

    To construct privacy protection mechanisms , we do efforts in relevant legislation to develop a unified comprehensive legal expertise , but also new problems with the network infringement , the development of relevant new case generating single law .

  7. 但实践表明,仅有具有个别领域特征的单行商事法律不足以适应调整商事关系的需要,还需要具有一般性调整特征的商事法律,即商事通则,规定调整商事关系的共同性规则。

    Practice shows that specific regulations with different character in each area do not meet the need of regulating the commercial legal relation .

  8. 我国现在对姓名进行规范的有《民法通则》以及《姓名登记条例》等,但是还没有对姓名权进行规范化管理的单行性法律法规。

    Now our country to name through the standard have general rules of civil law and the name registration ordinance , etc , but also not to name rights for the standardization of management of special sex laws and regulations .

  9. 论自治条例单行条例的法律地位

    The Legal Station of Regulations on the Exercise of Autonomy and the Specific Regulations

  10. 接着,对我国环境资源法体系的现状进行了梳理和研究,并绘制了环境资源法体系中单行法的法律关系图。

    Then it talks about the present situation from all around and draws a map of the law of the environment and resources .

  11. 最后,笔者研究了我国特殊目的公司构建的法律环境,提出通过单行立法解决法律冲突,并提出构建我国特殊目的公司的具体建议,期望对将来的研究和立法有所裨益。

    Finally , the author studied the domestic legal environment of Special Purpose Company , and proposed that we should make law about Special Purpose Company . I expect that my study will benefit to the future legislation and research .

  12. 1918年,中国在特定的社会历史环境下,产生了自己的第一部国际私法单行立法&《法律适用条例》。

    In 1918 , under a particular social and historical condition , China produced its first single act of private international law – Application of Law Statute .

  13. 我国目前尚无制定出完整的民法典,对于履行不能的规定多散见在一些单行性的民事法律规范文件之中。

    Now we have not enact civil code in our legislation . The provisions on impossibility of performance are scattered in a number of single civil legal statutes .

  14. 对于我国来说,不仅要借鉴美国现行的调整消费性电子资金划拨的单行法规和相关法律,也要重视英国在制定法、判例法及行业惯例中对格式合同的管制。

    As far as our country is concerned , not only draws lessons from American current single code and related law , but also pay attention to the regulations over the inequity contract items from statue , case law and profession tradition .

  15. 第二章区分1949年前后两个时段阐析了海峡两岸冲突法立法的演进。1918年,中国在特定的社会历史环境下,产生了自己的第一部国际私法单行立法&《法律适用条例》。

    Chapter Two explains the evolvement of the legislation concerning cross-strait conflict of laws during the two periods before and after 1949 . In 1918 , under a particular social and historical condition , China produced its first single act of private international law – Application of Law Statute .

  16. 同时认真制定和完善各单行行政补偿法,在单行法律中就不同行政补偿事项的具体程序给予规定。

    At the same time , a serious development and refinement of the one-way executive compensation law , the law in the one-way on various administrative matters of compensation given to the provisions of the specific procedures .

  17. 因此,经济刑法立法应当以刑法为基础,辅以单行法规,这符合刑法的稳定性和经济发展的多变性要求,当然单行法律的犯罪构成要件应当明确。

    Therefore , economic criminal law legislation should be based on criminal law as the basis , supplemented by specific regulations , which meet the requirement of stability and economic development of degeneration of criminal law , and of course the constitutive elements of law should be clearly .