
dǐ chù
  • conflict;contradict;violate;collide;clash;offend;go against
抵触 [dǐ chù]
  • (1) [conflict] ∶冲突;竞争

  • 在个人利益和集体利益有抵触的时候,应服从集体利益

  • (2) [contradict]∶与…矛盾

  • 抵触情绪

  • (3) [offend;violate;go against ]∶顶撞;触犯

  • 抵触县官。——汉· 王充《论衡·辨祟》

抵触[dǐ chù]
  1. 个人道德和职业道德有时会相互抵触。

    Personal ethics and professional ethics sometimes conflict

  2. 英国的移民法与国际法有抵触吗?

    Do British immigration laws conflict with any international laws ?

  3. 他讲的话与先前所说的相抵触。

    His statement ran athwart what was previously said .

  4. 这两种说法相互抵触。

    The two stories contradict each other .

  5. 各证人的证词相互抵触。

    The witnesses ' statements were inconsistent .

  6. 这项立法与他们所谓的自由贸易相抵触。

    This legislation is inconsistent with what they call Free Trade

  7. 他笑了笑,不想让那个人产生抵触情绪。

    He smiled , not wanting to put the man on the defensive .

  8. 在这方面不成熟的举动很可能引发对改革的抵触情绪。

    Premature moves in this respect might well provoke a reaction against the reform

  9. 我们一点都不抵触多样化;实际上,我们需要多样性更丰富一些。

    We have nothing against diversity ; indeed , we want more of it

  10. 盈利动机天生就与公平和公正的原则相抵触。

    The profit motive is inherently at odds with principles of fairness and equity .

  11. 我对银行营利并不抵触。

    I have no objection to banks making money

  12. 他们俩的利益相抵触。

    Their interests were mutually incompatible

  13. 这和我们的方针相抵触。

    It is against our policy .

  14. 部长的讲话与他以前所说的相抵触。

    The minister 's speech cut across what he 's said before .

  15. 你的态度和你的性格相抵触。

    Your attitude is in contradiction to your character .

  16. 他们总是相互抵触。

    They contradict each other all the time .

  17. 这两件事互相抵触。

    The two things interfere with each other .

  18. 在感觉糟糕的时候用“你”这种表达会让你的伴侣产生抵触情绪。

    Using " you " language when upset will make your partner put up their defenses .

  19. 太严苛。哪怕是“建设性”的批评也会让你的伴侣产生抵触情绪,并降低二人关系之间的安全感。

    Even " constructive " criticism can make your partner defensive and reduce the feeling of safety in a relationship .

  20. 以上任何条款如与下列附加条款相抵触,以下列附加条款为准。

    If any of the above-mentioned clauses is inconsistent with the following additional clauses , the latter is to be taken as authentic .

  21. 依据国际法与国内法关系的一般原理,WTO法具有优先于我国国内法的效力,国内法不得与之相抵触。

    According to legal principles , the WTO laws are prior to domestic laws .

  22. 结果发现碳关税措施与WTO规定存在相抵触的地方,其推行将受到国际方面的一定阻力。

    The result shows : carbon tariffs exist conflict with WTO regulation ; the implementation will have certain resistance .

  23. 苛刻的透明度要求得到了欧盟委员会(europeancommission)的完全支持,但欧盟成员国对此计划大多持抵触态度。

    The demanding transparency requirements have the full support of the European Commission , but EU member states are largely resisting the initiative .

  24. 目前郑州市农业保护水平较低,与WTO的有些政策措施规则相抵触,入世后,郑州市亟待按照WTO的有关规则,调整和完善农业政策。

    At present , the agricultural protection in Zhengzhou is rather weak , which contradicts with the related policies and measures of WTO . After china entered WTO .

  25. 中国和印度对于美国和欧盟(eu)制裁伊朗的措施表示抵触,而日本和韩国则基本上承诺会效仿美国的做法。

    China and India have both resisted us and European Union measures against Iran , whereas Japan and Korea have broadly committed themselves to follow the US lead .

  26. 这些小组对治理的实现将抱有严重的抵触情绪,会对SOA活动的总体成功造成障碍。

    These groups tend to provide the most resistance to the implementation of governance and as a result , can impede the overall success of the SOA initiative .

  27. 凯萨医疗机构(Kaiser)也是最早提供预防药物的组织之一,其H.I.V.部门的负责人布拉德利·C·黑尔(BradleyC.Hare)博士说:抵触情绪基本已经消退了。

    The backlash has mostly faded , said Dr. Bradley C. Hare , the director of H.I.V. for Kaiser , which also offered PrEP early .

  28. 新节目总兼Samir说,半岛电视台是1996年创立的,一个由政府资助的私有电视台,它绝不会和自己的生意相抵触。

    Al-Jazeera is a private TV channel funded by the state when setting up in1996 , which never interfere with its business .

  29. 本周早些时候,imf总裁尼克斯特劳斯-卡恩(dominiquestrauss-kahn)表示,该组织已阅览过的各份计划草案并不相互抵触,但不少国家都过于乐观,认为自己可能无需调整政策就可实现内需增长。

    Earlier this week Dominique Strauss-Kahn , IMF Managing Director , said the draft plans the fund had seen were not inconsistent with each other , but that many countries were over-optimistic about the domestic demand growth they were likely to achieve without changes in policies .

  30. 公司补偿保险存在的前提是法律允许公司对董事的责任和费用进行补偿,但是公司对董事的补偿又不能与公共政策抵触。

    But the compensation can 't conflict with the public policy .