
  1. 1905年抵制美货运动的新视角&近代商人人格特点简析

    A New Angle of the Boycott of 1905 & An Analysis of the Personality of Merchants in Recent History

  2. 当1905年下半年中国的抵制美货运动走向高潮之际,美亚协会又把工作重点转向国会,积极争取福斯特议案的通过。

    After anti-American boycott broke out in China in late 1905 , American Asiatic Association , lobbied futilely for the Foster Bill 's passage in Congress .

  3. 从1905年抵制美货运动起,知识阶层与下层民众首次在爱国与革新运动中连为一体,而中等社会的概念对于革命派和梁启超也有所影响。

    Beginning with the Anti-American Boycott of 1905 , the intellectual class and lower class united for the first time in history as one group in a patriotic and reform movement . The concept of middle society also influenced the revolutionists and Liang Qichao .