
  • 网络policy
  1. 政策面调整下中国林产品对外贸易走势研究

    Study on Foreign Trade Tendency of Chinese Forestry Products under Policy Adjusting

  2. 环境项目评估一般都具有较大的不确定性,受政策面影响较大。

    Environmental projects generally have biggish uncertainty , and are always influenced greatly by the policy .

  3. 由于某些政策面因素,这个国家的存款已经过量,并且贷款增长速度也正在放缓。

    The country is overbanked on some measures and loan growth is slowing .

  4. 既然如此,潜在动力可以维持一说的可信性有多大呢?就经济政策面而言,这提出了两个重大问题:一、通货膨胀能否得到遏制;二、全球化能否持续。

    For economic policy , this raises two big questions : the first is whether inflation will be contained ; the second is whether globalisation will be sustained .

  5. 从政策面和市场面分析了石油销售企业所处的现状,指出走出困境的唯一出路是改革。

    Analyzing the present conditions of oil sales enterprises from both policy and market , the author points out that reform is the only way to cast off the difficult position .

  6. 分析大盘走势必须结合大社会经济基本面和政策面,所以,对下周走势预测将以周日的文章为准。

    To analyse the market , social economic situation and policies should be thought about , and the prediction on next week 's market should be accordance with Sunday 's comments .

  7. 从政策面来看,把科技引入边缘社群的目的,不仅是为了克服技术上的落差,而是为了促进社会包容的过程。

    And from a policy standpoint , the goal of bringing technology to marginalized groups is not merely to overcome a technological divide but instead to further a process of social inclusion .

  8. 过往对于居家治疗的研究,大多著重要临床面、政策面、科技辅助面和心理层面的探讨,反而忽略了医疗产品宅配服务在居家治疗的整个配套设计中所扮演的角色。

    Most of the home care related papers focus on clinical , government policy , technical support and psychological study and ignore home delivery plays an important role in the home care system .

  9. 第四章新贸易壁垒的应对,基于前文对新贸易壁垒的讨论,从宏观政策面和微观企业角度对我们应有的对策做了全面深刻分析。

    Chapter four " to answer the new trade barriers ", on the basis of above discussion , it makes further analysis on our current countermeasures to the new trade barriers from two sides of macro-policy and micro-enterprise .

  10. 作为文化产业的重头戏和主要表象,影视剧产业不仅迎来了铺天盖地的政策面利好消息,也成为资本市场、传统媒体和新媒体等竞相进入的市场领域。

    As the highlight and the main representation of the cultural industries , Film & TV-drama Industry is not only ushering in many favorable policies , but also becomes a popular market for the influx of capital markets , traditional media and new media .

  11. 该政策涉及面广,既包括扩大就业机会战略,又包含完善劳动力市场战略。

    This job-creation policy concerns widely , it includes either enlarging the strategy of job-creation or improving the strategy of labor market .

  12. 新一轮房地产宏观调控政策涉及面更广泛、操作性更强、政策组合程度更高,已经一定程度上改变了房地产市场的生态环境。

    The new round of macro control policies of real estate market , which is broader , more operational and higher degree of policy mix has been changed the environment of the real estate market .

  13. 由于经济发展中的财政政策问题涉及面广,本文只能以增长为主要内容展开讨论,在结构安排上基本上是按照资源配置、收入再分配与经济稳定的顺序来阐述发展过程中的财政政策问题。

    As the financial policy in developing countries is related to many areas , the author mainly discussed growth issue , including resource distribution , income re-distribution , and economic stableness .

  14. 关于政府应如何作为的问题,几乎涵盖了从金融监管到产业政策的方方面面。

    The question of how the state should act covers almost everything from financial supervision to industrial policy .

  15. 通过对实施积极财政政策的背景和启动原因的分析,及对积极财政政策正负面效应的评价,概括了我国实施积极财政政策的主要内容。

    Through the analysis of the background and causes of implementing the positive financial policy as well as the appraisal of the positive and negative effects of the positive financial policy , we can see the main content of the positive financial policy .

  16. 在政策研究方面,借鉴国际经验,完善我国农业环境管理制度和农业面源污染治理政策,优化农业面源污染控制措施。

    As for strategy study , this research , resorting to international experiences , perfected our agricultural environment management system and optimized agricultural non-point pollution controlling policy .