
  • 网络Korea Creative Content Agency;kocca;Korea Culture & Content Agency
  1. 韩国文化产业振兴院(KoreaCreativeContentAgency)的数据显示,韩国计算机网络游戏收入占到全球市场的五分之一,但这一比例低于2012年的28.6%。

    Its PC-based online games account for afifth of revenue in the global market - but that is downfrom 28.6 per cent in 2012 , according to the Korea Creative Content Agency ( Kocca ) .

  2. 韩国文化产业振兴院估计,去年韩国游戏的海外销售额增长约7%(至32亿美元),大大慢于2007年至2012年期间的两位数增速。当时,包括NCSoft以及在东京上市的Nexon在内的韩国公司促进了全球网游市场的发展。

    Kocca estimates that sales of Korean gamesabroad grew about 7 per cent to $ 3.2bn last year , slowing sharply from thedouble-digit pace between 2007-12 when South Korean companiesincluding NCSoft and Tokyo-listed Nexon developed the globalonline game market .