
  • 网络Policy effectiveness;the effectiveness of the policy measures
  1. 对若干弱化货币政策效力相关因素的实证分析

    Positive analysis on some correlative factors weakening money policy efficacy

  2. 长三角地区货币政策效力差异实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Difference of Monetary Policy Effectiveness in Yangtze River Delta

  3. 人民币汇率制度的不稳定性因素与货币政策效力探析

    An Inquiry into the Unstable Factors in the Renminbi Exchange Rate Regime and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

  4. 第二部分,财政、货币政策效力分析的理论基础部分。这一部分是全文的核心。

    Part two , theoretical basis of analysis on fiscal policy and monetary policy , is the core of this paper .

  5. 中国处于转型期,特殊的经济环境对货币政策效力的发挥造成了影响。

    China is in the period of transition , and particular economic environment had an impact on the effectiveness of monetary .

  6. 为此央行应采取措施,减少其负影响,提高货币政策效力。

    Because of this reason , the central bank should adopt measures to reduce negative influence and raise force of currency policy .

  7. 但我国存款准备金制度还不完善,导致法定准备金政策效力的发挥并不理想。

    But deposit preparing money system of our country is not perfect yet , which results in unsatisfactory effect of legal preparing money .

  8. 人民币升值提速使得政策效力更为强大:减少通货膨胀的进口,特别是源自食品和原材料的通货膨胀。

    A faster pace of currency appreciation offers a more powerful weapon : it will help to reduce imported inflation , especially of food and raw materials .

  9. 本文主要从二元经济结构、开放经济、金融创新三个方面展开分析,探讨了它们与货币政策效力的关系。

    This paper mainly analyses three aspects of the dualistic economic structure , open economy and financial innovation , and probes to the relationship among the above aspects and the effect of the monetary policy .

  10. 严重的通货膨胀压力、货币政策效力下降以及中央银行独立性加强的制度性变更,使得许多国家放弃了传统的货币政策框架,纷纷转向通货膨胀目标制。

    Many countries gave up the traditional monetary framework and turned to inflation targeting under the circumstance of serious inflationary pressure , loss of effectiveness of monetary policy , and institutional change of independence strengthening of central bank .

  11. 从2000年开始,我国票据市场的发展呈现出一种井喷的态势,在拓宽企业融资渠道、改善金融资产结构、提高货币政策效力等方面发挥了重要的作用。

    Since 2000 , the commercial paper market of China has shown a " blowout " phenomenon and played an important role in broadening financing channels for enterprises , improving the financial asset structure and improving the effectiveness of monetary policy .

  12. 摘要现行人民币汇率制度是与美元挂钩的固定汇率制度,这种固定汇率制度具有内在的不稳定性,缺乏烫平汇率波动的功能,一定程度上削弱了央行货币政策效力。

    The existing Renminbi exchange rate regime is a fixed exchange rate regime pegged at the US dollar , which is inherently unstable , lacks the function of ironing out exchange rate fluctuations and , to some extent , weakens the effectiveness of the central bank 's monetary policy .

  13. 文中运用IS-LM模型论证了我国货币政策的效力。

    This paper applies IS-LM model to demonstrate the effectiveness of China 's monetary policy .

  14. 还有一些批评人士认为,这种政策毫无效力。

    Other critics say it will not work at all .

  15. 对国家助学贷款新政策执行效力的思考

    Reflections on the Implementing Effect of New Policies on National Student Loans-in-aid

  16. 当代中国公共政策执行效力初探

    Initial Research into the Effectiveness of Public Policy 's Implementation in Modern China

  17. 与此同时,克林顿敦促以色列耐心等待美国政策产生效力。

    At the same time , Clinton urged Israel to give U.S. policy on Iran more time to work .

  18. 此外,当经济增长放缓时,超低通胀会降低货币政策的效力,因为利率无法降至零以下的水平。

    Very low inflation also reduces the effectiveness of monetary policy when growth slows since interest rates cannot go below zero .

  19. 这些异化行为会增加银行自身的风险,并削弱政府制订的经济金融政策的效力。

    The alienated behavior usually increase the banks ' own risk , and weakens the effect of economic policies that the government makes .

  20. 在宏观经济理论中,货币政策的效力指的是货币政策对实际产量、就业等实际变量的变化具有作用。

    In macro-economic theory , efficiency of monetary policy refers to the effect of monetary policy on real variables such as real output , employment etc.

  21. 一些批评通货再膨胀的人士表示,这种政策的效力太过强大,最终会适得其反。他们预计的结果是资本外逃、日元崩盘和恶性通胀。

    Some critics of reflation say it will work too well . The outcome , they predict , will be capital flight , yen collapse and rampant inflation .

  22. 再来一场经济危机就可能让这些经济体陷入通缩,加上试图在后泡沫时期的去杠杆化世界中让货币政策发挥效力的种种困难。

    Another economic shock could shift these economies into deflation , with all the attendant difficulties of trying to make monetary policy bite in a world of post-bubble deleveraging .

  23. 但随着时间的推移,该政策的效力也在不断地减弱,特别是该政策作为一项短期政策被长期使用后,所带来的负面影响也不容低估。

    But as time goes on , the effect of this policy is getting reduced and its negative effect can in no way be neglected when this short-term policy was carried out as a long-term one .

  24. 本文最后就当前经济形势下如何加强货币政策调控效力,实现股价平稳回落,完善股票市场有效性提出了几点建议。

    Several pieces of advice are made in the last part of the paper , which are concerning to how to enhance the monetary policy force , play down stock price and improve the efficiency of stock market .

  25. 促进社会团体的发展,保证公众政策参与的效力发挥;创造良好的政策参与氛围,培育参与型政治文化。

    Promoting the development of NGO and creating better policy-participation atmosphere .

  26. 这些将被解释为注释,因此其具有政策声明的效力。

    These are to be construed as commentary and thus have the force of policy statements .

  27. 为了确保公众政策参与的效力,应该发展社会主义市场经济,提供公众政策参与的社会经济条件;

    And something should be done to insure the function of the public 's policy-participation : developing socialism economy to offer material prerequisites ;

  28. 这些分析得出如下的结论:就单一政策的调整效力而言,出口退税优于国内税收与汇率政策;

    These analysis brings the following results : under protected trade and with respect to the effectiveness of the single policy , the export rebate is superior to the domestic tax and exchange rate ;

  29. 在资本市场主体行为层面,投资者、上市公司、金融证券机构、政府等行为主体均有各自的经济利益,他们的行为也会影响税制的运行与税收政策的实施效力,进而影响税制状况。

    In the layer of market subject behavior , there are investor , listed companies , financial and shares institutions and government , all of whose behaviors influence the effect of taxation and policy implementation .

  30. 通过进一步的农户调查,获取数据,并用线性规划法构建了一个生物&经济家庭模型,并在此模型基础上模拟控制氮流失的四种政策情景的效力。

    The data were obtained through farmer investigation , and a bio-economic household model was built by linear programming method . Based on this model , the efficiency of the four policies to control the N loss was simulated .