
zhènɡ fǔ cǎi ɡòu fǎ
  • government procurement act
  1. 政府采购法关于行政诉讼受案范围规定之缺失

    The Defects of Government Procurement Act Concerning the Scope of Accepting Cases in Administrative Litigation

  2. 我国已经开始实施《政府采购法》,同时入世以后,我国就要进行有关接受WTO《政府采购协定》的谈判。

    We have using the Law of the Government Procurement in our everyday life , at the same time as we have joined the WTO , we are negotiating for the WTO 's Agreement on Government Procurement .

  3. 第五章,完整国内政府采购法的对策。

    Chapter V , complete measures of domestic government procurement law .

  4. 政府采购法变迁的路径分析&一个博弈视角

    On Change of Government Procurement Law from the Perspective of Game Theory

  5. 《政府采购法》实施主要问题探析

    A Discussion on Problems Concerning Implementation of the Government Procurement Law of China

  6. 我国绿色政府采购法的立法构想

    Legislation Proposal on China 's Green Government Procurement Law

  7. 《政府采购法》的颁布,是我国财政体系改革和财政法制建设的一件大事,也是招投标行业的一件大事;

    The government stock law is important for finance system reformation and finance law construction .

  8. 完善我国政府采购法之探讨

    Perfecting the purchasing law of our government

  9. 学好政府采购法,提高中央国家机关单位政府采购工作效率

    Study the government 's purchasing law and raise the central government 's purchasing working level

  10. 对我国《政府采购法》宏观调控经济职能的研究

    Research on the Role of Macro Economic Control by China 's " Government Procurement Law "

  11. 政府采购法中质疑与投诉制度研究

    Challenge & Complaint System

  12. 在与原有的政府采购法比较的基础上,介绍了征求意见稿新的或着改变的内容。

    Compared with the original Government Procurement , it introduces the new or significantly change in the content of the Draft .

  13. 第三章政府采购法保护民族产业制度的完善。

    The third chapter is " Consummating the Method of Protecting the National Industry with the Act of Government Procurement " .

  14. 可见,我国《政府采购法》是调控宏观经济的最有效手段之一。

    Therefore , China 's " Government Procurement Law " is one of the most effective measures to regulate and control the macro-economy .

  15. 2003年《政府采购法》的实行,标志着我国政府采购已经开始走上了法制化、制度化和规范化的道路。

    The implement of the government procurement law on 2003 is the symbol of the legalization , institutionalization and Normalization for the government procurement .

  16. 与其他国家相比,在公共采购领域,美国联邦政府采购法更深层次地影响着中小企业的发展。

    Compared to other countries in the area of public procurement , Federal Government Procurement Law deeper impact on the development of small business .

  17. 根据政府采购法的规定,政府采购要贯彻公平竞争的原则,保证提供一个充分竞争的采购市场环境,被称之为政府采购中的竞争政策;

    According to the laws concerning governmental procurement , there should be a fair competitive principle and fully competitive market , known as competitive policy .

  18. 其中,社会中介机构按照《政府采购法》及相关规定,通过国内公开招标产生。

    In particular , the social intermediary agencies shall be selected through public bidding in China under the Government Procurement Law and other relevant provisions .

  19. 《政府采购法》与《招标投标法》也存在着不一致之处,我国应该尽快颁布实施细则来予以澄清。

    The Government Procurement Law of China and The Bidding Law of China have some minor contradictions , which should be clarified in implementation measures .

  20. 但是,由于经历时间相对较短,我国的政府采购法不够健全,这给政府采购管理带来了一定的难度。

    Due to the lack of practical experience and the incomplete government procurement law , there will be certain difficulties in the management of government procurement .

  21. 我国《政府采购法》的基本原则是:公开透明原则、公平竞争原则、公正原则和诚实信用原则。

    The fundamental principles of China 's " Government Procurement Law " are Public Transparency , Fair Competition , Fair and Just , and Honesty and Credibility .

  22. 在市场经济条件下,充分有效的竞争才能形成有利于采购机关的买方市场,因此,竞争是政府采购法的首要原则。

    In market economy , full competition is helpful to create a buyers ' market , and will constitute the primary principle to the governmental procurement law .

  23. 合理利用财政性资金是政府采购法的初衷,也是保证纳税人合法权益的基本要求。

    The original intention of government procurement is reasonable utilization of financial capital , which is also the basic requirements of ensuring that the taxpayers ' legitimate rights .

  24. 第三章,介绍了我国新发布的政府采购法实施条例征求意见稿的内容。

    The third chapter introduces the content of the Draft for Comment on " Implementation Regulations on Government Procurement "( hereinafter the Draft ) which is drafted lately .

  25. 摘要政府采购法属于行政法,其法律责任以行政责任为主,包括民事责任和刑事责任。

    The law of china 's government purchase belongs to administrative law , whose legal liability is chiefly administrative liability , and involves civil liability and criminal liability too .

  26. 政府采购法的立法常常给他人带来非自愿的成本或收益,即政府采购法的外部性。

    Making procurement law by the government often brings unexpected costs or benefits to others , which the author names the externality of procurement law made by the government .

  27. 执行<政府采购法>,组织实施集中采购,接受采购人的委托代理采购及区人民政府规定的其他职责。

    Implementation " government procurement laws ," the implementation of centralized procurement organization , accepted the procurement and commissioning of the district people 's government procurement provisions of other duties .

  28. 尤其在金融危机席卷全球之后,通过政府采购法保护民族产业,可以促进民族产业振兴,进而直接促进一国经济持续强劲发展。

    Especially in the global financial crisis , after sweeping through the national industry , the Chinese government purchase protection can promote national industrial revitalizing , then directly promote sustainable economic development .

  29. 2003年1月1日《政府采购法》的贯彻实施,标志着我国政府采购制度改革由试点进入全面推行时期。

    January 1st , 2003 , the implementing of indicates that the reformation of our government purchase system is not at the stage of experimental unit any more , but at a time of overall practice .

  30. 随着我国《政府采购法》的出台,我国形成了相对完善的政府采购制度,政府采购机构设置也日趋合理,也比较完善,政府采购实践也取得了一定的成果。

    Along with our country government procurement law of China formed a relatively perfect government purchasing system , the government procurement organization setup and more perfect , more reasonable , government procurement practices and obtained a certain result .