
  1. 并且,通过对思想政治工作制度化以及企业文化制度化建设的研究,对国有企业思想政治工作提出了制度保障体系的建设意见。

    In addition , through the institutionalization of ideological and political education , as well as the building of enterprise culture to institutionalize the study of state-owned enterprises on the ideological and political work system building security system views .

  2. 从加强思想政治工作和改革分配制度两方面调动职工的积极性。

    And brought the enthusiasm of staff and workers into play by both strengthening ideological work and reforming wage system .

  3. 清华大学双肩挑的政治辅导员制度既是一种思想政治工作制度,又是一种培养人才的特殊模式。

    The system of political instructor of Tsinghua University , which is named as Double Responsibilities System ( DRS ), is not only a system of ideology and politics work , but also a special mode for cultivating students .