
  1. 预备役军官绩效考评与激励对策研究完善国防动员体制,加强民兵和预备役部队建设,发展高技术条件下人民战争的战略战术。

    It is necessary to improve the mobilization system for national defense , strengthen the militia and reserves and develop strategies and tactics of the people 's war under high-tech conditions .

  2. 人民战争的战略战术主要是以矛盾规律、两点论和重点论相统一原理、整体与部分的辩证关系原理、质量互变规律等作为哲学依据;

    The main philosophy bases of people 's war strategy and tactics are the law of contradiction , the doctrine that everything has two aspects and key aspect , the principle about dialectical relation between the whole and the parts , the law of quantitative change and qualitative change , etc.

  3. 坚持人民战争思想,发展人民战争的战略战术。

    Meanwhile , it adheres to the people 's war concept and develops the strategies and tactics of the people 's war .