
  1. 在这些方面,Al2O3的人工兰宝石晶体比石英适合得多,因此,医学激光的接触性方法可以广泛和有效地应用。

    Artificial sapphire crystal of Al2O3 is much more suitable for these requirements , than quartz , thus , contact methods of medical laser will be used widely and effectively .

  2. 结果表明,人工翡翠宝石的热稳定性与天然翡翠相同。

    , has the same thermal stability as that of natural jadeite .

  3. 罕见的宝石级歪长石人工合成宝石级翡翠的研究

    Rarely Gemstone of Analbite A STUDY ON JADEITE SYNTHESIS

  4. 合成压力、温度对人工翡翠宝石编织结构影响的研究

    Effect of Pressure and Temperature on the Knitting Structure of Synthetic Jadeite Gem

  5. 稀土离子掺杂对人工翡翠宝石荧光性质的影响

    Fluorescence of rare earth ions in synthetic jadeite gem

  6. 天然宝石及人工合成宝石中包裹体研究

    Study on inclusions in natural and synthetic gems

  7. 人工合成宝石级翡翠的研究

    A study on jadeite synthesis

  8. 本文回顾了我国一些主要晶体的生长,包括激光晶体、水晶、光学晶体及闪烁晶体、金刚石、非线性光学晶体、人工装饰宝石等。

    Crystal growth in China , mainly including laser crystals , qu-artz , optical and scintillation crystals , nonlinear optical crystals , diamond , man-made jem stones etc. are briefly reviewed .

  9. 人工生长白宝石单晶结构的TEM衍射测定

    Determination of Crystal Structure of Sapphire Single Crystal Grown by EFG Method by TEM Selected Area Diffraction

  10. 本文的初步分析结果表明,通过矿物标型学说不仅可以为宝石的鉴定特征找到理论依据,而且还有助于指导鉴定天然宝石与合成宝石、天然宝石与人工优化处理宝石;

    The research results show that the typomorphic characteristics of minerals can help us to identify not only nature gems and enhancement & treatment ones , but also the locality of some gems .