
  • 网络artificial hypothermia;deliberate hypothermia;induced hypothermia
  1. 人工低温驯化和ABA处理,茶树抗寒力的提高幅度没有自然冷驯化下的大。

    On the other hand , it can be concluded that the rising degree of cold hardiness resistance was lower during artificial or ABA treatment than that of natural cold acclimation .

  2. 抗寒性不同的水稻幼苗,经人工低温(0&4℃)处理后,MDH、SOD、POX和EST同工酶的变化明显不同。

    The changes of MDH . SOD . POX and EST isozymes of rice Seedlings which are different in resistance to Cold differ obviously from one another before and after low temperature ( 0 - 4 ℃ ) treatment .

  3. 人工低温对大鼠实验性心肌梗塞的影响&Ⅱ.对缺血心肌超微结构和组织化学变化的影响

    Effects of hypothermia on ultrastructural and histochemical changes of ischemic myocardium

  4. 人工低温时心脏活动障碍的观察

    Observations on the cardiac disturbances during hypothermia

  5. 实验方法:1.以人工低温冰柜模拟寒冷环境,建立低温环境氰中毒动物模型。

    Artificial low temperature freezer simulation . In cold environment , a lowtemperature environment of cyanide poisoning animal model .

  6. 人工低温对滇中砀山酥梨休眠芽和枝的效应

    Effects of the artificial low temperature on the dormant buds and shoots of Dangshan pear in the central part of Yunnan

  7. 利用无土育苗和人工低温处理方法研究了低温和氮素对番茄幼苗生长发育和畸形花发生的影响。

    The effects of low temperature and nitrogen on seedling growth and occurrence of deformational flower were studied with soilless raising seedling and artificial low temperature methods .

  8. 人工低温处理过程中,就同一生理指标而言,各品种叶片、枝条变化趋势基本一致。

    During the treatment of artificial temperature-dropping , the variation trend for the same physiological index of leaves and branches of the three cultivars was almost the same .

  9. 主要研究如下:1.利用人工低温驯化的方法从32个桑品种中筛选出5个抗寒性较强的品种。

    The main research results are given below . 1 . Five mulberry species , Morus mongolica , with stronger cold resistance was screened out of thirty two mulberry races by acclimation at low temperature .

  10. 采用人工模拟低温处理,对低温胁迫下一窝蜂、优一和龙王帽3种仁用杏枝条的萌芽率、电解质渗出率、可溶性糖含量及MDA含量的变化进行了研究分析。

    Artificial low temperature treatment was used to study the changes of electrolyte leakage and soluble sugar content and MDA content of3 varieties apricot under low temperature stress .

  11. 在人工模拟低温、干旱条件下,测定了抽雄期玉米叶片荧光参数(Fo、Fm、Fv/Fm)及光合作用速率。

    Under the case of the artificial low temperature and drought , the leaf fluorescence parameters ( Fo , Fm , Fv / Fm ) and Photosynthesis rate are determined .

  12. 浮水植物型表面流人工湿地低温除硝氮研究

    Removing Nitrate by Surface-flow Constructed Wetland at Low Temperature

  13. 人工传代、低温与超低温法保存菌种的效果比较观察

    Comparison of the effect of artificial passage , hypothermia and ultralow temperature for strain conservation

  14. 为提高后续湿地处理系统正常运行的可靠性,提出人工湿地在低温环境运行条件下的措施。

    To improve the normal operation reliability of follow-up wetland treatment system , some operation measures for constructing horizontal subsurface flow wetland under low temperature were put forward .

  15. 气调贮藏是指同时利用人工制冷制造低温环境和调节气体介质成分的方法,建立特定适宜的低温、氧含量、二氧化碳含量、乙烯含量和相对湿度的贮藏环境条件的技术手段。

    Controlled atmosphere storage ( CA for short ) is the method to set up a special storage environment with low temperature , proper content of oxygen , carbon dioxide , ethane and relative humidity , through the ways of manual refrigeration and modifying air contents .

  16. 研究机械强制通风、人工翻堆以及低温对猪粪堆肥的影响。

    Swine manure composting with straw , was operated with mechanical aeration and artificial turning and conducted at low air temperature .

  17. 另一方面,在实验室中,利用人工控制的不同低温(包括零上和零下低温)进行模拟低温胁迫处理。

    On the other hand , in laboratory , seedlings were exposed to simulated low temperature ( above and below zero degrees ) stress which were artificially controlled .

  18. 人工冷害胁迫下,寒敏感材料感受低温胁迫较强抗寒及中等抗寒狗牙根材料早;人工冻害和田间低温下,寒敏感材料Pro含量低且波动幅度小。

    The cold temperature sensitive materials tasted low temperature earlier than strong cold resistance and middling cold resistance materials . Pro content of cold temperature sensitive materials was low and fluctuated range was limited . 6 .