
  • 网络Artificial insemination method;IUI;Artificial Fertilisation Act
  1. 目前西医主要通过类固醇药物、避孕套疗法、人工授精法及体外授精与胚胎移植法帮助受孕,但疗效不够满意,并存在副作用大、费用高等缺点。

    Currently , western medicine mainly help conception through steroids , condom therapy , artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization method and embryo transplant , but the effect is not satisfied and it has the shortcomings of side effects and high cost .

  2. 人工授精+胚胎移植法诱发肉牛双胎的试验研究

    The testing and research of inducing twining of meat cattle with artificial insemination and embryo transplant