
  • 网络ancient chinese dictionary
  1. 陈复华主编《古代汉语词典》书证晚出例再举

    Later Documentary Evidence Occurring in Ancient Chinese Dictionary Edited by CHEN Fu-hua

  2. 陈复华先生主编的《古代汉语词典》,内容丰赡,具有较高的学术价值和使用价值。

    Ancient Chinese Dictionary edited by Chen Fuhua , is of rich and academic value and practical value .

  3. 对于一部《古代汉语词典》词项的释义来说,其书证的作用是不言而喻的。

    As for Chinese language interpretation of Ancient Chinese Dictionary , the documentary evidence can play an important role .

  4. 文章就新近发现的其释义、例证中的可供商榷之处,再次提出拙见,以期对《古代汉语词典》的修订有些许益处。

    The paper puts forward different opinions from the latest development of its explanation and example in order to have highly good for revising Ancient Chinese Dictionary .

  5. 关于其释义、例证中的错讹、欠当等,笔者已撰写《陈复华主编〈古代汉语词典〉指瑕》一文进行了质疑。

    As for its explanation and the mistakes of examples and so on , the author has put forward question in the book , Pointing Out the Defects Ancient Chinese Dictionary edited by Chen FuHua .

  6. 文章就新近发现的商务印书馆出版的《古代汉语词典》的28条书证晚出问题,提出拙见,以就教于陈复华先生等。

    The author put forward his opinion on 28 pieces of documentary evidence 's later problem in Ancient Chinese Dictionary , which was published by Business Press , the author wrote an essay in order to ask Mr. Chen for learning .