
gǔ yīn
  • Archaic sound;old Chinese phonology;ancient Chinese sounds;classical pronunciation of Chinese characters
古音 [gǔ yīn]
  • (1) [ancient Chinese sounds]∶古代的语言及发音

  • 汉语的古音系统

  • (2) [classical pronunciation of Chinese characters]∶专指周秦时期的语音

古音[gǔ yīn]
  1. 清代的好多学者不仅善于训诂学考释,而且还精通古音学研究,他们把自己的古音学成果运用到训诂实践中,以古音求古义,考证出了古文献中的许多通假字。

    Many scholars were not only famous scholars of textual exegesis , but also were good at the research of old Chinese phonology . They applyed the achievement of phonology to Exegetical practice .

  2. 20世纪80年代以来的古音学史研究

    Research on history of archaic Chinese phonology since 1980s

  3. 仓山大乐遗落民间的宫廷古音

    The Cangshan grand musical composition : The lost royal musical composition conserved in folk society

  4. 从系统和结构的观点看汉语上古音研究

    Look at the Research on Archaic Chinese Phonemes from the Viewpoint of System and Structure

  5. 第四章是藁城音与中古音的比较。

    The fourth chapter is the comparison between the Gaocheng dialect and ancient Chinese phonology .

  6. 厄休拉.蕾古音是魔幻作家中比较偏文学性的作家之一。

    Ursula LeGuin is one of the more literary writers you will find writing fantasy .

  7. 通过与中古音的纵向比较,来探索莒县方言语音历时演变的规律。

    By executing vertical comparison with middle ancient to explore development rules of Ju County dialect .

  8. 王力先生是举世公认的20世纪中国最有成就的语言学家之一,古音学是王力先生一生学术研究的重要领域之一。

    Wang Li is widely recognized as one of the most accomplished Chinese linguists in 20th century .

  9. 与中古音的历史比较,是历史分析的第一步,但不是最终的成果。

    The historical comparison with middle Chinese was not final results , but the first step of historical analysis .

  10. 古音学上的成果为训诂学研究提供了重要的条件,加速了清代训诂学的繁荣。

    The achievements of archaic Chinese sounds provided important conditions for textual exegesis research and cause the prosperity of it .

  11. 于古音、古训考究淹通是黄生的学术根底之所在。

    Huang 's academic foundation is reflected in the investigation of the ancient sounds and old sayings to achieve profound mastery .

  12. 顾炎武古音学思想之继承与阐释&高树然《诗音》研究(一)

    Follow and Explain on Gu Yan-wu 's Archaic phonology Thought & Study On Shi Yin by GAO Shuran ( 1 )

  13. 明代陈第作《毛诗古音考》,亦当是直接源于《诗补音》。

    Mao Shi Gu Yin Kao , written by Chen Di of Ming dynasty , is also stemmed from Shi Buyin directly .

  14. 从异体字不同的声符入手来研究战国古音,也是比较值得肯定的办法。

    An extraordinary way is that we can study the ancient sound by use of the different vocal sign in the variant characters .

  15. 第三章对湘阴城关镇方言与普通话、中古音以及长沙话和南昌话进行了比较。

    Chapter III of the Xiangyin dialect with the Mandarin , the mid-ancient sound and Nanchang dialect , Changsha dialect , a comparison .

  16. 分别从声母、韵母、声调三方面将两种语音系统进行对照,并从与中古音的比较总结出卓资方言的整体语音特点。

    Compared with initials , finals and tone syste of two phonetic system and through the comparison , summarized the whole speech characteristics .

  17. 自民国至今,人们对它关注甚少,尚未有人对《六书韵徵》作过系统的研究,希望通过本文的研究可以为清代古音学史填充新的内容。

    But no one cared about it from MIN-GUO , so I hope to contribute to research into classical phonology of Qing dynasty .

  18. 第四章探讨《说文》收字与文献用字差异的原因。第三章对四种方言的韵母进行了较详细的比较,探讨了四种方言韵母系统在保留古音和语音演变上的异同。

    There are four reasons . At last , it points out the differences of the evolution of the four kinds of dialects .

  19. 通过对日语汉字音读和汉语中古音进行比较,发现日语汉字音读与汉语中古音有强烈的对应关系。其中声假名和中古音声母的对应比较整齐:あ段全部对应喉音影、余二母;

    By a comparison on the Japanese phonetic-reading and Chinese mediaeval time tone , discovering that intense corresponding relationship existed in the mutual aspect .

  20. 第四章对石门方言音系与中古音的声母、韵母、声调做了比较。

    The forth chapter is the comparison between phonological system of Shimen dialect and the Middle Age phonetics in initials , finals , tones .

  21. 吴棫、陈第、江永、段玉裁与顾炎武古音研究比较

    The Comparisons of Gu Yan-wu ' Studies on Ancient Chinese Sound with Wu Yu , Chen Di , Jiang Yong , Duan Yu-cai 's

  22. 本文将《洪武正韵笺》的古音进行穷尽式的收集和整理,逐字列出古音音读与切捂并进行归类整理。

    This paper of Hong Wu Zheng Yun Jian present to the exhaustive collection and collation of ancient pronunciation , word lists and sorting .

  23. 陈澧首创反切系联法研究《广韵》的声韵系统,为中古音的研究做出了历史性的贡献。

    He initiated Fan-qie Xi-lian-fa to research pronunciations of characters in , and he did historic contribution to the study of ancient Chinese language .

  24. 在中古音的构拟和间接的上古音研究方面,方言资料是相当重要的角色。

    Chinese dialectal data played an import role in the reconstruction of Middle Chinese and ( more indirectly ) in the study of Old Chinese .

  25. 通过检讨江氏注音的得失,反观了江氏古音学的成就与不足。

    Through review of gains and losses phonetic words , if we look at the ancient sound of the achievements and shortcomings of the study .

  26. 本文描写了中阳方言的语音系统,并从中古音出发,比较中阳方音与中古音系之间的对应关系。

    This thesis gives an account of phonetic system of Zhongyang dialect , and compares the corresponding relationships between this dialectal sound and mid-ancient sound system .

  27. 他批判地接受了宋儒的研究成果,他的成就对明清的学者都有所启示,在我国古音学研究史上有很重要的地位。

    His achievement made an implication for scholars of the Ming and Qing Dynasties . he played an important role in the history of ancient Phonology .

  28. 然后,将响水方言跟中古音作比较,最后结合历史文献考证响水方言和苏州方言的联系。

    The paper makes an observation on the relationship between the dialect of Xiangshui and that of Suzhou , in views of geographical evolution and historical development .

  29. 本文归纳出了这些汉字在日语中的音读与现代汉语普通话读音、汉语中古音的对应关系。

    I point out that there are corresponding relations between the pronunciation of modern Japanese and the pronunciation of modern Chinese or middle aged Chinese in this artical .

  30. 上下两编相结合,以确定《诗补音》的历史地位,并试图阐明传统古音学从萌芽到建立的发展过程。

    Combining the parts can establish Shi Bu Yin 's status in the history , and expound the developing course of traditional ancient phonology from sprouting to setting up formally .