  • roast;bake;torrefy;heat over a slow fire
  • 用微火烘烤:~干。~烧(在物料熔点以下加热的一种过程)。


(用微火烘) bake; torrefy; heat over a slow fire:

  • 焙茶叶

    bake tea leaves;

  • 焙制

    cure sth. by drying it over a fire

  1. 有些人不喜欢水焙,因为他们担心土豆会被弄湿。

    Some people don 't want to aqua bake because they 're worried their potatoes will get wet .

  2. 文章对后整理工艺中的抗起毛起球剂浓度、柔软剂浓度、焙烘温度、焙烘时间4个因子进行了理论分析,提出了精纺粗花呢抗起毛起球的最佳整理工艺条件。

    It researched the concentration of anti-pilling finisher and soft finisher , bake temperature , bake time to the worsted wool fabric and got the optimal finishing conditions .

  3. 预焙阳极焙烧炉控制中模糊PID复合控制的应用

    Application of Fuzzy-PID Technique in Controlling of the Anode Pre-baking Furnace

  4. BP网络预测技术在预焙阳极焙烧炉控制中的应用研究

    Research & Application of BP Network Predictive Technique in Controlling of the Anode Baking Furnace

  5. 科技公司Adaptics出品的Drop是一款为烤焙原料称重的智能秤。

    The Drop , made by Adaptics , is a smart scale for weighing baking ingredients .

  6. 石灰石焙烧特性对流化床脱除H2S的影响

    Effect of Calcination Parameters on Removing H_2S in Fluidized Bed by Limestone

  7. 含钴铜镍类水滑石焙烧产物催化分解N2O的研究

    Catalytic Decomposition of N_2O over Some Calcined Products of Hydrotalcite-like Compounds Containing Co , Cu and Ni

  8. 咖啡抽提液的pH值在中度焙炒时达到最低值,然后随着焙炒程度的上升而逐渐升高。

    The pH of coffee extract reaches the minimum in medium roasting , and increases with the degree of roasting .

  9. SB拟薄水铝石焙烧产物的晶体结构特性及相转变

    Structural characteristics and phase transition of calcined sb pseudo-boehmite

  10. 介绍了结晶态钼酸铵不同的SEM形貌及其在动态焙解还原制取钼粉中的应用情况。

    Various SEM appearances of ammonium molybdate crystalline and their application in molybdenum powder preparation by dynamic roastdissociation-reduction are introduced in this paper .

  11. 东方Cheese是经毛霉发酵后烤焙加工而成的一种新型大豆发酵食品。

    Eastern Cheese was one kind of new fermented soy food . It was baked after the fermentation of mucor .

  12. 常温固化TiB2阴极涂层在预焙铝电解槽上应用

    Application of TiB_2 Cathode Coatings Solidified Under Ambient Temperature in Pre-Baking Aluminum Reduction cells

  13. 涂料染色、印花低温快速焙固催化剂ATS的合成及应用

    On the Synthesis of the Catalyst ATS for Low Temperature and Rapid Curing of Pigment Dyeing and Printing and Its Application

  14. 由多元羧酸的酸性引起的纤维素大分子链的催化降解是不可恢复的,它的强力损失与酸的种类、浓度、pH值、焙烘温度和时间有关。

    Catalysis degradation of cellulose macromolecule chain , caused by acidity of polycarboxylic acid can not be recovered and its strength loss is related to acid type , concentration , pH value , baking temperature and time .

  15. 研究了溶胶浓度、聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)浓度、轧液率、焙烘温度及时间对真丝织物导电整理的影响。

    The effects of sol concentration , PVP concentration , pick-up , curing temperature and time on electric conductive properties of silk fabric were studied .

  16. 本文介绍了涂料染色、印花低温快速焙固催化剂ATS的合成工艺,并对其应用性能作了探讨。

    The author introduces the synthetic process of low-temperature rapid curing catalyst ATS for pigment dyeing and printing , and discusses about its performances .

  17. 结合L9(34)正交试验对柠檬酸在亚麻织物中的防皱整理工艺进行研究,结果显示焙烘温度和时间对亚麻织物的无醛防皱整理起决定作用。

    The crease-proof finishing process of linen with citric acid was studied by orthogonal expts . The results showed that baking temp .

  18. 内热式回转炉处理电解MnO2技术的研究大型预焙电解槽槽内衬破损问题的探讨

    Study on treating electrolytic manganese dioxide with inner - heated revolving stove Study on Damages of Inner Linings of Large Size Pre-bake Electrolytic Cells

  19. 在1800kVA敞口电炉上采用自焙电极和粉矿入炉方式,用冶金焦还原钛精矿获得TiO2为76.76%的酸溶钛渣。

    A kind of acidic titania slag which TiO_2 equals to 76.76 % is obtained in the open furnace ( 1800kVA ) which uses baked electrode .

  20. 160kA预焙铝电解槽区域电流效率

    Zone current efficiency in 160 kA prebake aluminum electrolysis cell

  21. 延长160kA预焙阳极电解槽使用寿命之实践

    Practice of prolong service life of the 160 kA pre-baked anode pots

  22. 160kA预焙铝电解槽物理场测试与分析&综合分析与建议⑷

    Measurement and analysis of physical fields of 160 kA pre - baked pots

  23. 本文对CA、SHP、柔软剂浓度以及焙烘温度和时间进行单因素分析和多元线性回归分析,确定了柠檬酸的棉布无甲醛耐久压烫整理的最佳工艺。

    The concentration of CA , SHP and softening agent and baking temperature and time are analyzed with single-factor and multi-factor linear regression . The optimum process of formaldehyde-free DP finishing on cotton fabrics with citric acid is determined .

  24. 通过比较常规还原处理、焙烘固色和FTD处理的效果,认为FTD处理效果较好,且工艺流程短,色光纯正明亮。

    Methods of conventional reduction , curing fixation and FTD treatment are compared , it is found that FTD process features short circulation and brilliant shade .

  25. 对60kA侧插自焙阳极电解槽降低电耗的探讨

    Discussion on Reduction of Power Consumption of 60 KA Aluminium Electrolytic Cell with side-inserted Self-baking Anode

  26. 浅析180kA大型预焙铝电解槽低分子比下的热平衡特性与控制

    Analysis on Heat Balance Characteristics under Lower Molecular Ratio and Control for 180 kA Heavy Pre-baking Aluminum Smelting Pot

  27. 研究了用多硫化物溶液直接浸出焙砂中的金,考察了温度、时间、S ̄0/Na2S分子比。硫化钠浓度等因素对金浸出率的影响。

    Gold in the calcine can be leached out directly by polysulfide solution . The effects of temperature , time , S0 / Na2S molar ratio and concentration of Na2S on gold leaching were investigated .

  28. 在160kA点式下料预焙阳极铝电解槽进行实验,结果证明了该方法的有效性。

    The method is proved to be effective by the experiment in the 160 kA spot blanking premelting anode aluminum electrolytic cell .

  29. 采用柠檬酸/马来酸酐对Tencel织物进行防皱整理,分析了酸浓度、焙烘时间、焙烘温度、催化剂用量对Tencel织物防皱性能的影响。

    In this paper , crease resist finish of Tencel fabric with citric acid and maleic anhydride is carried out . The influence of acid concentration , curing time , temperature and catalyst dosage on crease resist property of Tencel fabric is analysed .

  30. 处理棉府绸最佳工艺为:含硅环氧树脂8%,焙烘温度170℃,焙烘时间4min;

    The optimum conditions for the treatment of cotton poplin were as follows : silicone epoxy resin 8 % , baking temperature 170 ℃, baking time 4 min.