
mǎ lái xī yà rén
  • Malaysian
  1. 人们原以为对于两位选手,这会是场艰苦的比赛,然而林丹却以21-12和21-8这样一边倒的两局比赛彻底击垮马来西亚人,夺得了奥运会金牌。

    It was supposed to be a tough match for both players , but Lin Dan grabbed the gold as he overwhelmed the Malaysian in a one-sided two-setter 2112 , 218 .

  2. (作者是在新加坡工作的马来西亚人)

    ( The writer is a Malaysian working in Singapore . )

  3. 马来西亚人只是做平静的自己,正是出自他们的DNA。

    Malaysians just do calm and karma effortlessly ; it is in their DNA .

  4. 亚洲航空CEO托尼费尔南德斯是马来西亚人,他表示布兰森是他的导师,而在创办自己的廉价航空公司之前,他也曾在维珍航空工作过。

    Malaysian-born Fernandes , who described the Briton as his mentor , used to work for Branson before setting up his own budget airline .

  5. 西方殖民主义的扩张使事情更加复杂:马来西亚人把火鸡叫做ayamblander(荷兰鸡的意思),缅甸人选择了moanbarang这个叫法(意思是法国鸡)

    The expansion of Western colonialism only complicated matters : Malaysians call turkey ayam blander ( " Dutch chicken " ) , while Cambodians opt for moan barang ( " French chicken " ) .

  6. 小说的叙事者哈菲兹(Hafiz)是马来西亚人,一个懒家伙,从大学退了学,手头总是没钱,不怎么虔诚,在故事中讲述自己同时追求一堆女孩的冒险故事。

    The narrator , Hafiz , is a Malay slacker , a college dropout who is usually broke , is often profane and recounts his adventures chasing multiple girls at the same time .

  7. 我参与工作的大部分学生是马来西亚人。

    Most of the students I 'm working with are Malaysians .

  8. 但身为马来西亚人的程子俊表示,这种说法是在否认现实。

    But Mr Nair , a Malaysian , says this is denial .

  9. 马来西亚人都非常热情好客。

    The people in Malaysia are so warm and welcoming .

  10. 那里还有好多华人,马来西亚人和印度人社区。

    You know the Chinese , Malay , and Hindu communities are there .

  11. 一定要干掉那个马来西亚人。

    The Malaysian must be eliminated , mugatu .

  12. 大部分遇难者为荷兰人、马来西亚人和澳大利亚人。

    Most were Dutch , Malaysians or Australians .

  13. 我真的很努力在工作,而且我很骄傲自己是一个马来西亚人。

    I work really hard , and I 'm proud to be a Malaysian .

  14. 但就像所有的幸运儿一样,马来西亚人将这一切视为理所当然,变得自满起来。

    But like all lucky people Malaysians have taken these for granted and become complacent .

  15. 马来西亚人说的马来语。

    The Malay language spoken in malaysia .

  16. 所有马来西亚人都应负起责任,因为他们共同促成了当前的政治腐败和冷漠。

    All Malaysians should take responsibility as they contributed to the current corrosive politics and apathy .

  17. 一个来自沙巴的马来西亚人。

    A Malaysian from Sabah .

  18. 在吉隆坡市中心一家购物中心里,一名马来西亚人周二从一匹巨马装饰物下走过。

    Malaysian walks under a giant horse decoration at a shopping mall in downtown Kuala Lumpur on tuesday .

  19. 童贵卿,马来西亚人,目前是新加坡国立大学社会系的博士生。

    Joy Tong is a Malaysian , now a PhD candidate in the sociology department in National University of Singapore .

  20. 在英语这个问题上,并不是所有文化都遭遇了马来西亚人和魁北克人遭遇的那种历史痛苦。

    Not all cultures have the same historical anguish over English that Malaysians and Qu é b é cois do .

  21. 萧靖彤的父亲是台湾人,母亲是马来西亚人,小时候她住在马来西亚南部的柔佛州。

    Born to a Taiwanese father and a Malaysian mother , Cassandra grew up in the southern state of Johor .

  22. 阿米尔说,自己刚开始从事出版业时,书店老板告诉我,马来西亚人只读爱情小说、宗教书和烹饪书。

    When he started publishing , Mr. Amir said , bookshops told me Malays only read romance , religion and cooking .

  23. 今天,这个追思会,可说是体现了槟城成为一个“马来西亚人的家园”的实证。

    This occasion may well mark the coming of age of Penang as an integral part of the home-land for all Malaysians .

  24. 马来西亚人也是社交网站最忠实的用户,每周要在上面平均花费9小时。

    Malaysians are also the heaviest users of social networking sites , spending an average of nine hours per week on them .

  25. 这套教育制度曾帮助培养出当前这代马来西亚人,让他们能胜任全世界任何层级的工作。

    This system had earlier helped produce the current generation of Malaysians who are able to work at all levels around the world .

  26. 据称,英国政府已经推出一项自愿遣返计划,为包括马来西亚人在内的那些非法居留人员提供单程回国机票。

    The British government reportedly has introduced a voluntary repatriation program to offer one-way tickets for overstayers , including Malaysians , to send them back home .

  27. 马来西亚人对自己的国家被描绘为政治腐败、闭塞、技术上无能、以及缺乏商业与危机管理技巧感到愤慨。

    Malaysians resent the way their country has been depicted as a politically corrupt backwater , technically inept and lacking in business and crisis management skills .

  28. 马来西亚人把犯罪率不断上升的问题归咎于外国人。不过,警方数据显示,外国人犯罪仅占马来西亚犯罪案件中的一小部分。

    Foreigners are blamed for rising crime rates , although police statistics show that foreigners account for only a small percentage of the crime committed in Malaysia .

  29. 马来西亚人(二),有两头母牛,拉到国会大厦宰了,议员们分而食之。

    Malaysian " B " had two cows , which were both hauled to the Parliament House for slaughter so that the MPs could savour the meat .

  30. 马来西亚人泡制拉茶时两手一高一低各持一容器,然后将滚烫的奶茶快速、反复地在两只容器间倾倒,从而使茶产生一层特殊的泡沫。

    Malaysians pour boiling-hot milky tea swiftly and repeatedly from one vessel held high in one hand into another held low , producing a distinctive layer of froth .