
rén mín fánɡ kōnɡ
  • civil air defense;people's air defense
  1. 基于HLA的人民防空仿真联邦设计

    Design of Civil Air-Defence Simulation Federal Based on High Level Architecture

  2. 建立人民防空通信和警报系统;

    Setting up a civil air defense communications and warning system ;

  3. 人民防空警报控制系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Air - Raid Siren Control System

  4. 人民防空工程防护设备产品质量检验标准

    Check standard of protective equipment products quality for civil air defence

  5. 本文探讨了人民防空警报控制系统的设计与实现方案。

    Design of City Fire Alarm System Based on Wireless Network ;

  6. 人民防空医疗救护工程设计标准

    Standards of medical aid engineering design of the civil air defence

  7. 人民防空工程设计防火规范

    Code for fire protection design of civil air defence works

  8. 基于三维视景仿真的城市人民防空预案演播系统研究

    Research of Demo System in Civil Air-defence Based on 3D Visualization Simulation

  9. 所以本文除侧重对人民防空工程进行分析外,也对地下空间进行分析。

    Besides analyze Civil air defense construction and also analyze underground space .

  10. 论我国人民防空建设的发展战略早期人防工程的治理技术

    On Strategy for Construction of Civil Air Defence Projects

  11. 人民防空工程产权问题研究

    The Civil Air Defense Construction Property Right Problem Research

  12. 人民防空地下室结构设计需要注意的几个问题

    Some Questions Need to Notice About Structure Design of Civil Air Defence Basement

  13. 低抗力人民防空地下室的通风口部设计

    Air vent design of low strength air-defense basement

  14. 国务院、中央军委领导全国的人民防空工作;

    The State Council and the CMC exercise leadership over civil air defense nationwide .

  15. 人民防空工程照明设计标准

    Civil air defence works lighting design standard

  16. 加强人民防空设施;

    To strengthen antiair facilities of people ;

  17. 人民防空工程防护功能平战转换设计标准

    Design standard for protection function exchange of civil air defence works between peacetime and wartime

  18. 主管本市人民防空工作,负责人民防空工作的组织实施。

    It shall also take charge of civil air defense and its organization and implementation in this Municipality .

  19. 人民防空的基本任务包括:对人民群众进行防空知识教育;

    The basic tasks of civil air defense include : spreading knowledge of air defense among the people ;

  20. 第四条人民防空经费由国家和社会共同负担。

    Article 4 The expenses for civil air defense shall be jointly borne by the State and the society .

  21. 有关单位应当按照国家规定负担人民防空费用。

    Relevant units shall bear their proportions of the expenses for civil air defense in accordance with relevant State regulations .

  22. 人民防空实行人民政府和军事机关共同领导体制。

    The civil air defense sector adopts a system of joint leadership by the people 's governments and military organs .

  23. 本文运用经济学、法学和公共管理学知识,对人民防空工程进行研究分析。

    This paper utilizes the knowledge of economics and the law and the public management to analyze civil air defense construction .

  24. 人民防空是国防的重要组成部分,也是现代城市建设的重要内容。

    Civil air defense is an important component of national defense as well as the important part of modern urban construction .

  25. 负责城乡规划建设管理、环境保护、人民防空、双拥共建等方面的工作。

    Responsible for urban & rural planning and development control , environmental protection , civil air defense and double-support building affairs .

  26. 领导本区的民兵、兵役、动员、人民防空和战场建设等工作。

    And directing the militia , military service , mobilization , civil air defense and battlefield construction work in the military area .

  27. 第二十六条国家鼓励平时利用人民防空工程为经济建设和人民生活服务。

    Article 26 The State encourages peacetime use of civil air defense works for economic development and the daily lives of the people .

  28. 人民防空工程专用设备的定型、生产必须符合国家规定的标准。

    The final design and manufacture of special equipment for civil air defense works must conform to the standards established by the State .

  29. 人民防空工程平时由投资者使用管理,收益归投资者所有。

    The works shall be put to use and management by the investors during peacetime and earnings be turned over to the investors .

  30. 人民防空是现代国土防空的重要组成部分,担负着保护人民生命和财产安全的重要职责。

    Civil air defense is an important part of modern territorial air defense , charged with the protection of life and property safety .