
  1. 论加强大学生社会公德教育

    Discussion on the Undergraduates ' Education of Social Morality

  2. 提出了社会公德教育应注意的主要问题。

    Put forward main problems it should be noticed .

  3. 关于新时期社会公德教育实效性的探讨

    Research on the Actual Effect of Social Morality Education in the New Times

  4. 社会公德教育和学生自我管理;

    Social morality education and students ' self-administration ;

  5. 对当前高校社会公德教育的一些思考

    Thinking about the Social Morality Education in Universities

  6. 二是加强社会公德教育,提高市民素质;

    Second , strengthen public moral education and enhance the city people 's self-cultivition ;

  7. 当前我国在校学生社会公德教育面对的问题令人担忧。

    Chinas current social morality in school education , the problems faced by worrying .

  8. 关于社会公德教育问题的思考

    Thinking on Social Morality Education

  9. 这直接影响到大学生社会公德教育的实效性,对和谐社会造成了威胁。

    All of these are indirectly effect the timeliness of the college students ' social morality , which threaten the harmonious society .

  10. 因此,有必要对大学生社会公德教育进行研究。

    Therefore , it is of great importance to strengthen the research and implementation of the social ethics education for university students .

  11. 只有加强大学生的社会公德教育,才能提高全民族的道德素质。

    Only by strengthening the education of social morality to university students , the moral quality of the whole nation will be improved .

  12. 由此可见,大学生社会公德教育是建设和谐校园的一个重要的着力点。

    It can be seen from it that college student education in social ethics is the point building a important force of harmonious campus .

  13. 当前,随着社会主义精神文明建设的发展,社会公德教育提上了重要日程。

    Along with the development of the construction of the socialist spiritual civilization at present , the social ethics education becomes more and more important .

  14. 这对增强大学生社会公德教育的实效性,帮助大学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观具有一定的现实意义。

    It is helpful to enhance efficiency of college students ' social morality that students could establish right world outlook , life outlook and value outlook .

  15. 并且试图在传统文化、社会公德教育、现代社会公民、舆论监督等层面,探讨经济人和道德人统一的可能性。

    The article also tries inquire into to the possibility of the unity on the level of traditional culture , social morality education , modern social citizen and public supervision .

  16. 面向全体学生进行爱国主义和社会主义理想教育、中华民族优秀文化传统教育以及遵纪守法和社会公德教育,使他们真正成为社会主义的建设者和接班人。

    All the students must be provided with the education in patriotism , socialist ideals , cultural heritage of the Chinese nation , discipline , law and morality , so that they could become able constructors and successors for socialism .

  17. 要引导大学生形成正确的价值观,必须从营造良好的教育环境、加强主导价值观导向、加强基础文明和社会公德教育等方面入手。

    So comprehensive measures , such as building good education environment , enhancing the direction of the leading sense of values , strengthening the basic civilization as well as common social morality education , are needed to guid the students to form the proper sense of values .

  18. 大学图书馆要坚持不懈地为社会主义精神文明建设服务,就不能忽视对读者社会公德的教育,对读者道德体系的培育需要从社会公德教育做起。

    The university library , which wants to provide the unremitting service for the construction of the socialist spirit civilization , can 't ignore the social morality education on the readers , and the cultivation of readers ' moral system should start from the social morality education .

  19. 该论文目的在于探究问题产生的原因,寻找相应的对策,以加强学生社会公德意识的教育。

    The paper aims to explore the causes and to find countermeasures to enhance the education of students in Social Morality .

  20. 文章论述了对大学毕业班学生加强思想道德、社会公德、职业道德教育的意义,并从主旋律教育、实践环节、日常生活等三方面探讨了教育的途径。

    The article expounds the significance in strengthening the cultivation of morality , social and professional ethics about students in college graduates ' class , and probes into the education methods from three aspects , the dominant melody education , practical links , and daily life .

  21. 社会公德的特性对我们加强大学生的社会公德教育提供了诸多启示。

    Its features provide many implication to strengthen college students ' education of social morals .

  22. 三是从改善社会风气环境入手,加强家庭美德、职业道德、社会公德教育,营造良好的家庭环境、校园环境、职业道德环境和社会风气环境。

    Lastly , aiming at perfecting the social mode environment , dealing with more effort in the education of family virtue , professional morality and social morals and creating a better family , campus , professional morality and social mode environment .