
  • 网络Social reality;social fact
  1. 中国加入WTO后的社会现实已经发生或即将发生深刻的变化,它使思想政治工作面临许多新情况、产生许多新问题。

    The Chinese social reality has taken or will take great changes after China joined the WTO , which makes mentality and politics work being faced with many new situations and gives rise to many new problems .

  2. 它往往以家庭的伦理矛盾和道德冲突来折射社会现实。

    It reflects the social reality on family and moral conflicts .

  3. 本文从我国社会现实需求出发,确定我国MBA商业伦理教育的目的是培养道德型领导。

    The goal and the objectives of the business ethics education for Chinese MBA are studied in this paper .

  4. 中西悲剧精神的社会现实批判特征比较

    On the Criticism of Society in Chinese and Western Tragedies

  5. 当前的社会现实使大学毕业生面对的压力日益增长。

    Graduates ' stress is continually increasing in the current social situation .

  6. 这一时期新旧交杂的社会现实影响着他的心理。

    The combination of new and old social reality affects his psyche .

  7. 关于构造社会现实的若干社会学思考

    Some Sociological Reflection about the Constitution of Social Actuality

  8. 其实,法律正义是发展的,是回应社会现实的。

    Actually , legal justice is developing with the development of the society .

  9. 教育不得不正视其所遭遇的现代性社会现实。

    Education has to face up to the reality of the modernity society .

  10. 第四章主要阐述当下社会现实中的苦难。

    In the forth Chapter it describes the plight of reality in contemporary social .

  11. 网络正在给社会现实生活带来前所未有的巨大变化。

    An enormous change has brought about to the social lives by the network .

  12. 我国现有的生育政策是马克思主义的人口理论与中国的社会现实相结合的产物。

    Chinese present fertility policy is a product of Marxist population theory and Chinese social reality .

  13. 物欲时代是东西小说创作社会现实背景。

    The materialistic age is the background of social realities in Dong Xi 's novel writing .

  14. 因此,在这样的时代背景和社会现实下,研究小企业薪酬激励机制的构建问题就具有极其重要的现实意义和理论价值。

    Therefore , the study about the compensation motivation for small enterprises have high application values .

  15. 语言是社会现实。

    Language is social reality .

  16. 他的作品描写了维多利亚时期英国在经济、政治、道德、风俗等方面的社会现实。

    His works depicted the social reality of economy , politics , moral and custom in Britain .

  17. 马克思以劳动为理论视角,认为思想史上这种将劳动与休闲对立起来的观念不过是社会现实生活中的异化劳动的反映。

    Karl Marx believes that this dichotomy view is just the reflection of alienated labor in reality .

  18. 第三,文本采用对话性叙述策略,用开放的叙述形式,多层面折射出美国南方在转型时期复杂的社会现实。

    This open strategy reflects the complicated social reality of Southern America in the special transitional time .

  19. 社会现实状况及制度本身的缺陷,致使劳资争议处理制度渐形虚设。

    The current situation and the defect of the system itself made it existed in name only .

  20. 社会现实当中的文化建设、旅游开发和文化语境包含着许多可供审美人类学研究的广阔学术空间。

    Cultural construction , tourism exploration and cultural semantics all provide aesthetic anthropological study with wide academic space .

  21. 由于社会现实不同,思维不同,各个国家的语言世界图景也不尽相同。

    Because social realities are different , thoughts are different , each national language world prospect is different .

  22. 本文的第三部分重点阐述了宪法与社会现实冲突的解决方法。

    The last part of the article emphasis on the solution on conflict between constitution and social reality .

  23. 因此,犯罪现象是透视社会现实和社会发展的最好视角之一。

    Therefore , the crime phenomenon is one of the best perspective about social reality and social development .

  24. 政府经济职能及其转变问题,在现代市场经济中是一个重大而亟待解决的社会现实问题。

    Government economic functions and transformations is a very important and burning social realistic issue in modern market economy .

  25. 然而,当时残酷的社会现实却使芥川茫然不安,倍感失望。

    However , the cruelty in the society at that time made him feel confused , uncomfortable and more disappointed .

  26. 是一个用民族之镜反映与接受现代世界文明的、艰难痛苦的观念转变过程,一个逐步走进现代社会现实之境的、批判性反思性的曲折实践过程。

    It is a complicated critical and introspective practical process that is gradually entering the state of modern social reality .

  27. 要把社会现实、社会事物、人的感性当作人的感性活动,当作实践去理解。

    The social reality , social issues and human sensibility must be understood as a human perceptual activity and practice .

  28. 中国宪法逐渐由文本融入社会现实,成为民众生活模式的一部分。

    The constitution of China is no longer a text but has gradually become a part of people 's life .

  29. 以契约框架为核心的辩诉交易能真正适应社会现实,有效解决社会中的司法争端,获得包括参与者在内的广泛社会民众的支持。

    Plea bargaining with core of contractual framework , really adapt to social reality and resolve the judicial dispute effectively .

  30. 清醒地面对社会现实、坚守社会的人文价值是鲁迅的根本立场。

    Face to the practical society with clear mind and keep the humane value of the society is his principal standpoint .