
  • 网络Community Policing
  1. 在阐述其总体特征:单极化、封闭式的社区治安管理之后,结合LH社区现状,深入剖析了社区安全管理中,社区组织之间、社区成员之间、社区组织和社区成员之间都存在不利的关系。

    After explaining its overall characteristics : unipolar , closed-end management of community policing management , we analysis that under the community policing management , community organizations , community members , community organizations and community members are negative relationship .

  2. 华盛顿先生在8年前首次提出了社区治安计划。

    Mr. Washington first introduced the Community Policing Program 8 years ago .

  3. 我国城市社区治安防范体系建设问题研究

    The Probe into the City Community Safety Defence System in Our Country

  4. 上海市流动人口集中社区治安管理研究

    Research on Puplic Security Management of Shanghai Municipality Community Centralized Floating Population

  5. 社区治安群论论社区矫正

    On the Theory of Community Public Order On Community Correction

  6. 社区治安群论论治安管理权

    On the Theory of Community Public Order On Power of Security Management

  7. 物业管理应在社区治安防范中充分发挥作用

    Real Estate Adminstration Should Give a Full Play in Community Peace Order Prevention

  8. 温州城市社区治安建设研究

    Study on the Construction of Wenzhou City Community Security

  9. 试论社区治安防控体系的构建

    Study on the public order prevention-control system in community

  10. 城市社会公共安全市场的制度安排&以社区治安与犯罪预防为例

    The Institutional Arrangement of Metropolis Society Public Security Market

  11. 有效的社区治安控制是开展社区警务的根本目的。

    Effective community peace order control is the essential destination to develop community policing .

  12. 社区治安群论

    On the Theory of Community Public Order

  13. 应用注浆技术加固填海地基夯实基层基础工作构建社区治安防范控制体系

    Consolidating Foundation Work of Grass-roots Levels , Building Prevention and Control System for Community Order

  14. 这与打防结合、预防为主的城市社区治安管理理念不谋而合。

    The predominant is dealing with " prevention " city community policing management concept alike .

  15. 目前,社区治安防范体系建设正面对着新的环境,面临着新的挑战:犯罪诱因多样化,治安防范形势出现复杂化;

    At present , the system faces new environment and challenge : diversification of crime inducement ;

  16. 良好的社区治安有利于促进居住安宁,有利于维护社会稳定,有利于提升社区乃至城市品位,促进社会经济的协调发展。

    Security benefits residents and peace of the society , as well as the economical development .

  17. 继而从安全的视角厘清了社区治安管理中的四个关系困境。

    From a security perspective , we clarify the four relationship difficulties of community policing management .

  18. 第三部分通过对城市社区治安防范体系建设现状的研究,剖析了目前在实践中存在的许多亟待解决的问题。

    The third part analyses the present practical problems through research of actualities of city community security system establishment .

  19. 介绍社区治安信息服务系统的结构、功能及实现技术。

    This article introduces the architecture ? function and key technique used in the development of a social security service information system .

  20. 实践证明,实行现代警务机制是当前社区治安防范的必然要求和有效途径。

    To implement the mechanisms of modern policing is the necessary needs and the efficient way in prevention and control of community public order today .

  21. 然而,目前物业管理在社区治安防范中的作用还远未发挥出来。

    However , there 's still a long to go for the current real estate administration to give a play in community peace order prevention .

  22. 坚持群众路线,充分利用社区治安资源,走警务工作社会化的路子;

    We must stick to the mass line , make full of the resources of community peace and security , follow the line of socializing police - service ;

  23. 社区治安管理是维护社区正常社会生活秩序,保障社会安定团结的日常社会管理活动。

    Public security management of community is to maintain the normal order of social life , to guarantee the society to stabilize as daily management in the society .

  24. 城市社区治安,它的内涵是我国现行法律规范确认的,经呈现出来的各种危害社会秩序与公共安全行为的综合表现。

    Urban community policing , its connotation is present , the legal norms confirm it present various harm social order and public security behavior of the overall performance .

  25. 物业管理在社区治安防范中起着越来越大的作用,治安防范也成为物业管理行业中的一个竞争点。

    Real estate administration plays a more and more important part in community peace order prevention , and peace order prevention has become a competitive field in community administrative industry .

  26. 社会治安综合治理是一项事关社会经济发展和社会稳定的基础性工作,社区治安更是社会治安综合治理体系中的基础环节。

    The society order and comprehensive governance is a basic work that in relation to social economic development and social stability , and is also a basic link of social order and comprehensive governance system .

  27. 城市社区治安管理是指为维护城市社会秩序,保障社会生活正常进行,有关管理部门在社区依法行使的治安行政管理行为。

    Urban community policing management refers to the city for maintaining social order , guarantee the normal social life , relevant administrative department of the public security in the community in the exercise of the administrative behaviors .

  28. 对社区治安的预测必须转化为社区警务的决策,才能为社区治安控制提供支撑,实现社区治安控制的目的。

    Prediction of community peace order must be transformed into community policing policy - decision . Only in this way . can it provide suport to community peace order control , attain the object of community peace order control .

  29. 各位尊敬的市议员、来宾们,很荣幸今天能够向你们介绍罗伯特·华盛顿先生,我们市警察局的领导。他将就我们社区治安计划发表演说。

    Members of the city council and distinguished guests , it is my privilege to introduce to you today Mr. Robert Washington , chief of our city 's police force . He will address us on the subject of the Community Policing Program .

  30. 第二部分构建了城市社区治安防范体系的基本框架,明确了该体系主要由综合防范社区建设、专门防范社区警务、制度防范社区矫正三部分组成,并进而揭示了其特点和功能。

    The second part makes a basic structure of city community security system , points out that this system includes three parts : comprehensive protection-community construction , special protection-community policy affairs and regulations protection-community rectification and go on analyzing its characteristics and functions .